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  1. P

    Possible Nute deficiencies

    Here is a really good example. Just shot these yesterday.
  2. P

    Possible Nute deficiencies

    Three of the plants had red stems, and the bottom of those stems are now turning green. So, I think that took care of it, but I am just hoping I didn't stress them so much they all turn out male. Anybody on here willing to share a few really good seeds? Im using bagseed from Mexico.
  3. P

    Possible Nute deficiencies

    Hello, I have some plants that are having some problems. I have a hydro bubble system with 6 26W CFL in a cabinet with a carbon filter and all. Im afraid I was stupid and put nutes into the solution as soon as the seeds sprouted. I am 14 days in and have no idea what to do. I have switched to...