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  1. L

    White Fire, and Skywalker 600 Watt LED grow (First time grower)

    Updates on the ladies! you can see below I transplanted 2 of my White Fire clones to 3 gal pots. White Fire transplanted to 3 gal pott. White Fire transplanted to 3 gal pott. Bagseed #2 is doing very well, thriving. This little one is the Skywalker from seed. Another...
  2. L

    White Fire, and Skywalker 600 Watt LED grow (First time grower)

    Hello all! This is my first grow EVER! Never done this before and wanted to try my hand at it since I am Medical Card holder in California. I use marijuana for depression and back pain from a sports injury. Anyways, I was interested in the low power consumption that LED are known for. As far as...