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  1. R

    Blue Widow

    These plants are clones from the White Widow dominant phenotype I got out of Blue Widow from Joey Weeds. NOT the Blue Widow pheno. There are 58 plants. Mylar on the bottoms of the aeroflo chambers - does wonders! But I am lacking with all the light I'm losing at the sides. The time will...
  2. R

    Leaf curling problem

    pH 5.5-5.8 solid Closet is opened for several hours a day for air. It is possible they could be lacking fresh air. The roots are not slimey. The rez get hot at times ~75F. I am going to see if a frozen bottle helps with that. Closet temp ~70-75F. I have had the nutes at ~600ppm using AN...
  3. R

    Leaves droop, curl up, specs of burn [PICS]

    Started from seed, Sat November 8th will be 3 weeks. I've had issues ever since I moved them to the Aeroflo. Intially I didn't add any nutes. I have been making changes all the time so it's really hard to give you guys the full picture you need to determine the problem. I'm using General...