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  1. Rotawee

    how do I delete a thread?

    Any help here, I would like to know as well.
  2. Rotawee

    What is your definition of Happiness?

    100% agreed there
  3. Rotawee

    What inventions are useless ?

    I'm surprised the bacon bowl got an infomercial. It's just a cupcake tin flipped over pretty much
  4. Rotawee

    iPhone Weigh Scale - An idea I thought of when I was baked [pic inside]

    It's a good idea if you want to show the NSA how much you weigh shit.
  5. Rotawee

    Dogs > Cats

    Thread fail, not a discussion and to further my discussion, you would just have to meet my cat, Nobody can deny Cornelius's charm.
  6. Rotawee

    No glass Just wood

    Made some new chillums today. Please let me know what you think, where could they be improved? All are available if you click the link in my signature.
  7. Rotawee

    Plastic. Seriously and for a reason. (recommendations)

    wood or metal, forget about plastic dude.
  8. Rotawee

    No glass Just wood

    That's tight, thats something I should have done because I broke my old roommates axe handle 2 years ago. And yeah, to get a really nice finish it takes a lot of time and elbow grease. Just remember to use fresh sandpaper, re using the same piece over and over is what slows projects down.
  9. Rotawee

    No glass Just wood

    cuz it's sooo perrrty :)
  10. Rotawee

    No glass Just wood

    Yeah it really isn't too bad considering the beauty of it, there's a lot more expensive wood out there too. I've just always wondered if it was safe to have around heat, due to it being laminated with glues and stains and stuff. I think I'm definitely gonna pick some up on the next wood re-up
  11. Rotawee

    No glass Just wood

    Nice man, I always wondered how the colored laminated wood help up through direct contact with heat. So you don't get any foreign tastes in your smoke from that? I might have to nab some of that stuff next time I'm at the wood store, too bad it's like 30 bucks for a 3x3x12 block.
  12. Rotawee

    No glass Just wood

    Made some chillums today. Second one is reserved for a forum member.
  13. Rotawee


    Love the olympics. I watched everything but the mens short program figure skating last night. The slopestyle course needs better rail features I think, but those jumps are MASSIVE, fuckin love it. Womens moguls was dope too
  14. Rotawee

    Reasons to love winter. Because we need them.

    I didn't read any of the thread so I'm sure someone has already mentioned snow sports like skiing and snowboarding. Skiing is my top pick in the winter. One other reason to like winter is (atleast for me) smoking less cigarettes. Due to the fact I have to go outside into the cold and smoke...
  15. Rotawee

    Head Light Flashing not against the law...

    When heading up to the local ski resort in Boise, ID I used to hold my hand out the window and hold up 5 fingers then a fist to symbolized 5-0 to cars heading down after I passed a cop.
  16. Rotawee

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    This is Cornelius. A rugged mountain cat. Mofo caught a bat one time and brought it in to show me, on top of numerous lizards and mice.
  17. Rotawee

    The fuck cats thread

    dogs drool and cats rule! for real, they're gonna enslave your mind one day
  18. Rotawee

    18mm slide stuck!

    I would go with the freezing thing, maybe try an ice cube on the inside and gently heat the outside
  19. Rotawee

    Luck, Superstition, Karma

    To a degree yeah
  20. Rotawee

    No glass Just wood

    Just finished a pretty damn nice rolling tray. Really nice piece of canarywood. $65 for the tray $80 with matching accessories available here oh yeah and I'm working on the matching clip, poker, and scoop...