Search results

  1. boomer427

    widow showing sex super early

    my buddy and i are growing bubble gum, ak47, and white widow. the bubble gum are over 2 months old and we are already flowering them. they're doing great. the white widow, however, are only 3 1/2-4 weeks old. last night they looked normal. this morning we checked on them and they both had...
  2. boomer427

    MXC- most extreme elimination!

    im feelin pretty good :eyesmoke: and i was channel surfing and landed on spike and they're playing MXC. this show is absolutely hilarious. first off the name doesn't even make sense- how do you get MXC from "most extreme elimination"?!?!? too complicated for my distracted mind :bigjoint: plus...
  3. boomer427

    peanut butter

    dude! peanut butter is delish but you haven't lived until you try sunflower seed butter- it's almost the same consistency as peanut butter and it's really sweet and yummy and oh my god i wish i had some right now :eyesmoke: i love taking a huge spoonful of peanut butter and eating it like ice...
  4. boomer427

    last concert you saw?

    last band i saw was mindless self indulgence on halloween in toledo. they ROCKED!!! also saw a couple pretty cool local bands, almost got trampled in a mosh pit i wore heels like a dumbass :wall: but you can't dress up as a naughty school girl and NOT wear heels :wink:! plus i was...
  5. boomer427


    i'm working on my bachelors in psychology but i plan on getting my masters and doctorate in it as well. so basically, i've accepted the fact that i'm going to be in school for like...forever :sad:. it's okay though cuz i've got mary jane to get me through it :bigjoint:. and at the end, i won't...
  6. boomer427

    preferable climate?

    i wish i was in cali right now, anywhere but the cold. i'm chillin in michigan right now where there's snow on the ground, the roads are completely covered in ice, and it's too cold to go outside on the porch and toke (tradgedy! :cry: ) plus it sucks that it's like 25 degrees out with a steady...
  7. boomer427


    never heard of voyager, reminds me of star trek hahah. me and my buddy are currently growing bubble gum which smells freakin sweet (literally :lol:) we're also workin on some white widow and AK47. smoked the AK before and all i got to say is damn, that was fun :bigjoint: definitely recommend all...