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  1. flyingspur

    did i get autos

    This is maybe three months. I had two others show they were male. At the first of the month. They are ak47 my buddy sent. He said he don't mess with autos and his are fine. Wtf?
  2. flyingspur


    I've tried this with several different plants but never marijuana. Anyone try this or have any tips or suggestions. The first pic is what I'm trying to accomplish. The others iswhat iI got going. I'm slowly bending it over and letting it even out.
  3. flyingspur

    regrow celery

    I'm sure y'all have seen this. But its a fun one to do with the kids. Keep the bottom stalk of your store bought celery. Put it in waterrfor a few days and then in soil. It grows rather quickly
  4. flyingspur

    three sisters

    I got corn , pole beans and summer squash going. Got my first two ears of corn a ton of little squash. I love this time of year. Here is a pic of the three sisters and their two step sisters okra and Mary
  5. flyingspur

    wind storm split her down the middle

    Guys give me some advice. We had a bad storm and the wind or something split my baby . my girl tried to tape it up till I could get home. I was gonna give it another three weeks to a month now I'm not sure to try to repair. Or just cut the buds that are about ready. Idk help me out plz. The...
  6. flyingspur

    winter harvest

    I had a good winter grow here in the subtropics. But my last plant is just a couple weeks in to flowering and the days are getting longer. Is this going to effect how the buds turn out or are they gonna keep doing there thing. This was kind of an experiment to see if I could get a second harvest...
  7. flyingspur

    2 harvest in a subtropical climate

    I've been growing all winter and there doing well. They flowered the end of January and looking good but the daysaare getting longer and I wonder if this will affect the final product. Its just a seed from some weed I like. I'm no pro justenjoy growing my own this is my my first try at a winter grow