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  1. Z

    problems...please take a look

    Are they getting any sun? Light?
  2. Z

    problems...please take a look

    Oh shit, well if ur not feeding, def feed first and then just defoliate and u should be fine
  3. Z

    problems...please take a look

    The dead foliage saps energy from ur plant, so I'd clip em...because u could have more than one problem, its best to just either flush ur medium(drench soil about several times,until run off is clear, then feed with SOS, Cal Mag and LIGHT NPK....) do not defoliate plant BEFORE you flush...flush...
  4. Z

    problems...please take a look

    Ok, Heres what u do, first, clip every single dead or burnt leaf completely off....cut each dead leaf off the stem....theres a very good solution called S.O.S ... U can use that heavily , and just add cal mag with it and very little feeding of NPK....if ur soil is wet, do not add any water or...
  5. Z

    New grower, I need advice

    How are u downloading pics on here? I can show u how mine look later in the week , my grow is in D.C. And i live an hour n half away bcuz of laws but ill take some pics when i get there
  6. Z

    New grower, I need advice

    Sure u can fir 4 in a SOG, the triple cheese i have are growing very sturdy and straight upwards...I probably could fit 6 in there...remember ur pot can be as small as whatever, but get the deepest pot u can find and u will see a good result...atleast a foot or more deep
  7. Z

    New grower, I need advice

    Mrgrnthumb on ig uses tap water and never ph balances...some methods work great for some and the same method may destroy some...bottom line, know ur NPK...Nitrogen-Phosphorus and Potassium....
  8. Z

    Hermie or not?

    You have to remember that before the light craze took off, growers were using T5's ....we use LED's here in D.C. But some of my friends have HPS 1000....i have seen plenty of auto's do fine under CFL's...dont be discouraged bout autos...they're becoming much more resilient as breeders continue...
  9. Z

    Washing buds?

    I would buy ur book if ur as learned as u say u are and im not being wishes
  10. Z

    Washing buds?

    No pun taken...I understand what ur saying from ur own personal i said man, just giving info based off of what i learned n experienced myself
  11. Z

    Washing buds?

    Im not in a competition, was only giving sound advice from what i have learned from MASTER GROWERS and from personal experience. Some methods, practiced the same gives different results at times with each individual grower...if you truly know more than these dudes, then i would love to learn...
  12. Z


  13. Z

    newbie question

    Dude i promise you, herbies shipped so quick it blew my mind. Sent it within 24 hrs of ordering and it arrived 6 days later, no bull
  14. Z

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

  15. Z

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    you got me on that!
  16. Z

    Washing buds?

    You obviously are a beginner dude@qwizokinhg watch Ed Rosenthal and Kevin JudRey on youtube at the 2013 emerald cup discussing "curing"....Kevin is a highly respected "MASTER" ur homework kid before you EVER try to contradict me...i dont post just to sound smart. I post my insight...
  17. Z

    First grow may have messed up with my choice of soil. Help!

    just feed them, and check the ppm run off...if its higher than ur initial feed, come down on the nutes...and keep paying attention to that...I agree...some people just make the simplest things into rocket science...
  18. Z

    Hermie or not?

    lucky you
  19. Z

    newbie question

    ordered from attitude/seedsman and others...however, Herbies seeds was the quickest!!! less than a week!!! blew me away!!! stealth shipping was fantastic...great strains as well...