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  1. M

    Day 55 Flower

    Im gunna shorten this up a bit and reclarify the question. Is it normal for a decent amount of fan leaves to turn yellow and fall off in late flower with about 2 weeks left till harvest? Sorry for the book above.
  2. M

    Day 55 Flower

    Hello all, so first off I want to say this is not my grow it's my fathers legal MM grow and its his first time so im trying to help him gather the info he needs. He has 4 plants that have been in flower now for 55 days and he has a few questions. I do wanna add that these plants were saved from...
  3. M

    Go slow, its my first time

    Awesome, i think i pretty much have my plan Now! I really appreciate your help! Thanks!
  4. M

    Go slow, its my first time

    Thanks for the advice! I Think im gunna change it up then and do the red solo cup and plastic bag deal. By relatively high humidity are we talking like 60% or like 80%. Also, with the solo cups, do I poke holes in the bottom of it? Will look into the other soils but from the research i have done...