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  1. Jeep112

    How's she doing?

    Thanks man, I'm learning slowly. But even if it turns out poorly it's still fun, and I know I'll have learned from it. I'm looking forward to when I get better
  2. Jeep112

    How's she doing?

    I think I found my problem. I didn't notice it when I bought it, but the perlite I have says its infused with miracle grow time release :cuss:
  3. Jeep112

    How's she doing?

    A 6 ain't bad 8). Ph is right around 5.8-6 I noticed the tips were w lil burned a few weeks ago so I backed down on nutes. Maybe I should up them again. best guess for when she entered flower is November 8
  4. Jeep112

    How's she doing?

    Need some opinions on how she's doing. It's my second grow Doing a northern light auto in a perlite Hempy bucket with only maxibloom for nutes.
  5. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    So I checked my girl today when I got home from work and wow, what a change from yesterday, she sucked a lot of green from the leaves. Most are yellow now, I checked the tri's and I'm starting to see some Amber. Thats crazy.
  6. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    Ok sweet
  7. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    Alright cool, I'll look at chopping next week. So I shouldn't feed anymore correct? Just plain ph water?
  8. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    I tried to the best I could to get a photo through my loop
  9. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    Awesome guys, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Super excited! bongsmilie
  10. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    Sweet, that's good news :bigjoint: So they will still swell a little? Then all the white hairs will recede?
  11. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    Oh ok, awesome. The loop I have is small and awkward but I'll give it another try. So you're saying I should be close to all milky? Roughly how much longer past all milky will they turn Amber?
  12. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    I'm leaving in 4 weeks, I'm hoping I have enough time to cut/dry and put in jars by then
  13. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    Yeah I have a 60x, but I'm a newb so I haven't quite got the swing of what it looks like. It's a lil hard to see.
  14. Jeep112

    About how much longer?

    Roughly how many more weeks do you think until I can harvest? I'm going out of town soon and I'm hoping I can harvest before then.
  15. Jeep112

    Still confused

    Funny coincidence, my fiancé bought a tap water purifier today and it came with a ppm pen. So now That I have one, am I testing the ppm of my nutrient mix? My tap water is 170
  16. Jeep112

    Still confused

    Yeah it's spinning my head around for sure. I have maxi loom and fox farms tiger bloom and big bloom. It looks like the fox farms have a little less nitrogen.
  17. Jeep112

    Still confused

    Alright I'll look into ordering one of those soon, but probably won't have it by the time this grow is done.
  18. Jeep112

    Still confused

    For real? I got people saying don't feed and then people saying feed. :wall: I don't know ppm but the sauce is 6.5.
  19. Jeep112

    Still confused

    Why are these this color?