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  1. Larry {the} Gardener

    Rooftop SE Asia

    At one point in my life, I hated coming home from work because my cheap ass friends would be waiting there for me to get them high. That is one of the reasons I haven't let any of my old gang know that I fell off the wagon. I stopped smoking and growing, and they stopped coming around.
  2. Larry {the} Gardener

    doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

    Lots of room in there. The one we saw yesterday looked like that. I didn't even know they made a sporty one.
  3. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    The damn deer are still nibbling on her. They got one of the lower branches this morning.
  4. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    Hurricane Head {BST1 FP}. Pretty bad when the 'good' one is flat of her back. No sign of worms or PM. I sprayed it again with the lemon water. {and food and water to all three in the FP patch}
  5. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    The BST2 #2FP is also getting a little rot. I cut it pretty hard today. Hoping for sun soon.
  6. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    The Rotten Stinky Bastard {BST2 #3FP} was looking mighty thin from removing all the rot. She also had a new round of worms, so I cut 90% of the bud. Sure hate doing it, but it was fast approaching the melting point. T-Pig is 33 - 1 = 32
  7. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    Did a half assed dusting of the young 88 with pollen from the young 88 male. Didn't have a clean bag to collect it in, so I tapped a little out on the outside of a paper bag, then shook it off on the girl. Will do better later.
  8. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    Yep. I didn't take notes last year, so don't really know how long I have left. Last year I pulled early due to seven days of nonstop rain. Can't remember exactly when that was either.
  9. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    Also dusted the older 88 in the Slo patch with CPDA pollen. We did get lots of rain afterward, so I'll check back in a week and see if I have to do it again.
  10. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    I very lightly dusted the BP in the SOL patch with the CPDA pollen. Last year the BP plant was my best tasting smoke. This plant is from one of the three seeds I got off her.
  11. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    Last night I took food and water to the GV2 {dusted with GV1 pollen} in the GB patch. I did look back 10-12 pages to get that gem of information. She was sleeping.
  12. Larry {the} Gardener

    Rooftop SE Asia

    I do have a set of triple beams I haven't used in 12-15 years. When I was on the weight loss kick, I bought a couple of digital food scales. Close enough for what I need. My buddy picks up ounces for me, and I cut him out a 1/4. They were usually in the 25-26g range, but the most we paid was...
  13. Larry {the} Gardener

    Decepticon 2k16 Outdoor

    Smoke test do take some serious time. I try to do mine when I can go 10 minutes between hits, so I have a better chance of getting it down on paper. Smoke three or four hits, and you are too high to describe it.
  14. Larry {the} Gardener

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    I've use lemon water to control PM. Seems to be helping. But bud rot is rocking my BST2's. Have you thought about trying some of the early season stuff lookoutmountain breeds? He cut his first crop in August. He's up on the coast of Maine, so deals with the same sort of moisture you do.
  15. Larry {the} Gardener

    Rooftop SE Asia

    I very rarely weigh my stuff either. It's all personal smoke, so it doesn't matter. I have what I have. I do weigh bought bags. I want to know how good a deal I got.
  16. Larry {the} Gardener

    How to keep bugs from eating you seedlings outdoor?

    My BIL uses one of his biddy pens. It's like a little hoop house with a thin white cloth cover. The sun gets in, but not the bugs. Also blocks the plants from prying eyes.
  17. Larry {the} Gardener

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Looking good @TWS. Have you been able to do any fishing lately?
  18. Larry {the} Gardener

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    I have a tarp and paracord shelter where I spend all my free time. Other than the owls and coyotes, no one around but me. It helps keep me sane.
  19. Larry {the} Gardener

    doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

    We have a couple of Prius's. {as close to electric as I'm likely to get} My truck has a bed cover, so I do use the old one when I need to haul bulky stuff. Yesterday in Panama City the wife saw one of those sporty new Prius's. She is driving a C right now, and doesn't like it as much as the old...