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  1. L

    Leaves tips curling up / getting crispy

    Update: the whole plant is dying right now. It seems it is the roots rotting. Can't save her since I don't really have professional equipment.
  2. L

    Leaves tips curling up / getting crispy

    What is going on? I recently transplanted my girl in a bigger pot. She was doing excellent before that, but now i'm quite worried. The leaves on the plant seem to be dying out: the tips are getting brown and curled up, and some lower leaves have simply dried up. I'm not using anything special...
  3. L

    Dried plant after vacation

    I really don't know. As i said, the plant is still pretty much green. I scratched carefully the stem to see if it is still alive inside and it seems so.
  4. L

    Dried plant after vacation

    hello guys, I'm a noobie that tried to grow a little plant outdoors. Unfortunately I went on vacation for a week and didn't have anyone that could take care of this little girl. I watered as much as I could without drowning it and hoped for the best. Today I came back and took a look at it, and...