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  1. R

    HELP! Growing in Tropical Climate

    The problem is I don't have the space to grow them through there vegetative stage. I want to start them off indoors so they have a better start outdoors in the 11 1/2 - 12 1/2 hours of daylight per day year round and have them go through there vegetative stage outside in the ground.
  2. R

    HELP! Growing in Tropical Climate

    Because I live in a tropical climate were i only get 11 1/2 to 12 1/2 hours of sunlight per day and I don't want my 4 week old seedlings to start flowering when i take them outside and plant them into the ground. I want them to grow as big as possible.
  3. R

    HELP! Growing in Tropical Climate

    What if i start them out from germinated seed with 12/12 light will the plants not grow?
  4. R

    HELP! Growing in Tropical Climate

    Hello, I live in a tropical climate that has perfect temperatures year round for growing outdoors. The problem is that the light cycle is 11 and a half to 13 hours a day. I want to grow guerrilla style. I want to start the seeds inside then transplanting outside into the ground when they are...