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  1. N


    Ok, so you think I should just keep the same feeding and let it ride and see what happens in the next couple days??
  2. N


    They are going outside in the ground next weekend thats why I didn't transplant them I didn' want to move them twice in a couple weeks and stress them out
  3. N


    Can someone help me that what I need to do. It' only like 2 of my plants the others look healthy, but they are starting to yellow on the bottom leaves. About 4 days ago I started using advanced base nutes micro bloom and grow at 1ml/l and I have been using voodoo juice at .5 ml
  4. N

    Help please

    Is advanced voodoo juice kind of like the myco madness?? And thank you everyone for your help
  5. N

    Help please

    Haha The soil is from a local nursery, I have not added any nutes yet other then lastnight I was starting to worry and I thought it could possibly be from a lack on n so I top dressed them with a little worm castings
  6. N

    Help please

    Lol ok thank you! It was starting to stress me out.
  7. N

    Help please

    I have some seedlings that are about 2 weeks old and some are showing some yellowing and I can't figure out what it is. I've attached some pictures