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  1. DontMakeMeComeDownThere


    All this proves to me is that you can be a pot smoker and not only be in premium shape, and strongly motivated, but even participate in, and win at the Olympics. And they say it makes ya lazy!!
  2. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    Cop ?

    It's not THIS forum I'm worried about, it's the "serial killer" forum I subscribed to that worries me.
  3. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    Don't make me pull this car over!!

    "Don't make me pull this car over!!" I know that dude!! Get it? Sorry, I'm lit!
  4. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    I'm so sick of winter!!!

    Winter sucks! I do like the look of the landscape after a heavy snowfall. During Winter I concentrate on my work and countin down the days till I can ride my Harley without freezing my ass off! Right now there is about 4" of snow.
  5. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    "Querkle" my new pink toed taranchula

    Here's a couple good ones.
  6. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    your top 3 songs to smoke weed to?

    The Firm. "Midnight Moonlight Lady." The ultimate in music while baked!!!
  7. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    How do you handle a rat?

    A wife and kids definitely changes things...Besides, an ass beatin, even a bad one only lasts until you heal. Then of course you make sure you are more prepared for such a thing should it come around again. MAYBE even shoot the fuckers that beat ya down. The only thing I can think of worse...
  8. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    American Drug War: The documentary.

    I saw both of those docs. Both great. The really sad thing is that IF the gov. was to end the drug war today, the USA's economy would collapse tomorrow. The assholes have involved so many people that the country depends on the cash flow. Imagine what would happen if it was announced today that...
  9. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    what's in YOUR rep box? lol

    Never checked my rep box until just now. Surprised to see a couple. Thanks.
  10. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    EHARMONY, first off, I've never heard of shooting H into the stomach. It's not an intramuscular kind of thing. It will create a "pocket" and a doctor will have to lance it and drain it. Damn dude, you're scaring me over here! Personally, I would stay away from sticking a needle anywhere, but if...
  11. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    I put myself thru Methadone withdrawl twice. Needless to say that I will never put another opiate in my body ever again. The up side is that I'm not afraid of hell anymore! Just thinking about what you are going thru makes me nauseas and makes my legs hurt. Good luck.
  12. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    I hate homegrown bud!?!

    Ditto on that! Back in the day, "Home grown" was pure crap. Mostly leaves and didn't even smell like weed! I remember the first time I smoked quality home grown. Damn! Opened up a whole new world to me. Up until then, I had no idea quality weed could be grown at home.
  13. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    What you got???

    Right now I only have a Ghost Corn Snake, small Painter Turtle, a Ring Neck Snake, and a cat. At one time I had eleven aquariums. A two foot Snakehead, two Snapping turtles, a Horned Frog that ate full grown mice, several large Black Rat Snakes, two exotic rabbits, a very large Oscar, a Cayman...
  14. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    Universal questions

    That it's full of stoners!
  15. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    What's your earliest childhood memories?

    "Really? That would be at your christening, yeah? So you would have been only months old too... That's trippy. Do you remember having any conscious thought? Were you scared? Curious? Tired?" When I was a teenager I told my mom about this memory, due to some other heavy memories I was having...
  16. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    What's your earliest childhood memories?

    Being passed around a circle of adults wearing long black hooded robes and an alter in the center.
  17. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    Aqua Teen Hunger Force... HILARIOUS ->

    Skipped it over many times deciding it was lame. Then one night when I skimmed by it, I went back and watched it. That was some crazy stuff dude! I can't watch it every day, but when I catch it while skimming, I watch.
  18. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    When men talk shit to your wife in front of you (a very angry rant)

    I got it! What I was tryin to say was, don't we have a built in instinct to protect our Loved ones at all costs? Kind of uncontrollable?
  19. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    When men talk shit to your wife in front of you (a very angry rant)

    I had to fight a lot most of my younger years. I was always the shortest and very skinny. Add to that I had tourrettes. Pretty much fought every day in grammar school. By high school I had a rep, so things weren't too bad, but still the occasional fight. I admit that the more I fought and the...
  20. DontMakeMeComeDownThere

    The "two-words" game!

    please don't