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  1. V

    1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics

    looking good man. so far i got one sprout of bagseed im just gonna let it grow for a bit for practice. basically bc reading all this stuff makes me anxious to start. in another week ima order some WW from attitude. also a homebox s to grow in. how did u set up your lights so you could...
  2. V

    I'm looking for low key.

    i new to this too, but from what i have been told, you would be better off with like 2 42 watt cfl for each plant. it wont be that much more expensive either, just like a couple dollars more. and apparently using nutes correctly will boost your yeilds like crazy... to the point where it is...
  3. V

    Day 20 of Veg Pics... Thoughts? and Q's

    haha, same here. cops gonna bust in the apt find 2 plants and be like "we just busted a sophisticated grow operation with around 5000 dollars worth of plants. we think it was going to be sold at schools to little kids. we are doing the community a favor"
  4. V

    "Spice" four times stronger than THC!!!

    got 2 words for ya. whip it. a.k.a. hippie crack. haha. do that instead of pot. its crazy fun even tho it doesnt last long. not too expensive
  5. V

    Day 20 of Veg Pics... Thoughts? and Q's

    yep, i dont like kinks. whish we could just do everything perfectly the first time. i swear no matter how much you look things up shit always happens when its your first time. and cloudy, you talking about putting 4 lights in one just gave me a funny picture in my head of like, a pyramid of...
  6. V

    Day 20 of Veg Pics... Thoughts? and Q's

    eh, i dont have a digital camera, and mine is bagseed. im still thinking about just starting over and buying some good seeds from attitude. along with the homebox, which looks like a really good deal to me, especially since they have a size that fits the dimensions of my closet perfectly : ) but...
  7. V

    Day 20 of Veg Pics... Thoughts? and Q's

    yeah, most of the ones at wally world dont say, so ima head up to home depot to buy a few more. anyways i hope my plants turn out half as good looking as yours in 20 days PT. im going for the same kinda set-up, just to try things out for the first time. gotta seedling that came up yesterday...
  8. V

    new, about to start growing. have a couple questions.

    nope, cant get any clones. dont know of any of my friends growing. : (
  9. V

    new, about to start growing. have a couple questions.

    sweet. thanks man. one of the seedlings popped up while i was at work. woo hoo!
  10. V

    new, about to start growing. have a couple questions.

    so right now i have a few seeds (just bagseed) that germinated and have been in soil for like 4 days. but on night the heater went off and it got reallly cold in there. kinda bummed but gonna wait another week b4 i scrap them. what i really want to know is the risk of getting seeds sent to my...
  11. V

    i think my seeds are dead

    man, i have almost the same problem. except i didnt realize my laundry room closet had a vent that went directly outside. so my little seed got really cold one night, so i bought a heater for the room. day 4 after planting and still no seedlings come out yet : ( but ima wait and see for a...