12/12 From Seed in DWC: Week 6 (Pic and Vid) {Journal links to weeks 4 and 5}


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Showing the new topped girl and my very close canopy correction.. Is that too hard to say?


I journal every Wednesday, currently working on light proofing which will be the next major change in the room beside nug size next week.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Just topped the left one again from the main stem, had to take her down a full node to correct my canopy =p



Well-Known Member
interesting grow.........surprised they havent started flowering..........what strain are they?............i do 12-12 from seed in coco...feel free to drop in my thread below and post pics or comments.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Yeah I dropped by and read up.. wow XD +rep

Anyway they're barely over a month under a light, so the one on the right has small nugs and the one on the left is just starting to form calyxes. They're both premium bagseed (lol is that an oxymoron?)


Well-Known Member
no reason that bagseed shouldnt be premium..............prob from a self pollinated female.....ive had some cracking bagseed and some duffers.......what lights you using?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Oh yeah ofc... here's some grow specs:

250w HIDS using MH bulb (Inbuilt ballast + Hood)
1 gallon home made rez+netpots
Distilled water + Earth Juice Grow
Aqua Culture air pumps 10-60 gallon Double Outlet x2 Five inch air stones x4 (Though I'm only using half of those since I pulled two males)

I'm pretty baked rite now and can't think of anything else, so ask away and I'll answer!


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Thanks.. I topped two inner-node shoots today, I'll post pics tomorrow. Also my next thread will be perpetual (as in I post every new week in that thread.)


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Here we go some more pics of the shoots I topped. You can only really tell if you know what you're looking for.

And if anyone was wondering if you could clone an already topped section that is topped again (basically one node in the middle of the main stem) you can! The branches have perked back up so IT'S ALIVE!!