12 oz fan leaves stems sticks twigs (immature buds) all green... cannaoil..


Well-Known Member
crock.jpgcrock1inhose.jpgmaking canna oil

2 cups oil...
2 cups water
12 oz green fan leaves stems etc.. no real buds... all green (little trics very little)

cooking it for 6 hours on a crock pot..

have read this works... I have a VERY high tolerance... I can eat 2gms of decarb high buds and have a light buzz,,, will see if this recipe works...

will update in a few hours

2nd pic is of the weed in a pair pf panty hose... hope wifey does not see this post!

but I have not had to strain any of it


Well-Known Member

Ok here is a shot glass of the mix at 4 hours.. (I drank this mix == almost puked... )

waitin on effects IF any.. :)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1563847

Ok here is a shot glass of the mix at 4 hours.. (I drank this mix == almost puked... )

waitin on effects IF any.. :)
ok so after trying this...and waiting.. 1 1-2 hrs (small body buzz kinda sleepy)

I mixed 3 shot glasses of the oil and mixed with PB... better......... SO MUCH better tasting... took it about 40 mins ago... waiting..


Well-Known Member
i have yet to eat a potent edible ...
I can recall saying that once... ONCE... omg worst time ever... I posted here about it too..

OK... this ONLY fan leaves thing WORKS... and I also read you can rub the oil on your joints to ease pain (not those joints the body ones) so after straining it I wore gloves wiped the excess on my knees... WOW... it felt great... also I noticed the smell kinda goes away within 10 mins or so..

I am now trying 3 tblsoons with pb... the shot glasses above are actually candle votives that I had some hash in at one time

so... the last stuff really felt nice not too much but I want a little bit stronger effects... will update in about 1-2 hours if it does not put me to sleep 1st


Well-Known Member
Would you do anything different now that u have done it?
NO.. I was glad I knew what the other end of the rainbow feels like...

I took the last 3 tblspns at 8 it's 11:31 and the buzz is in full force.. It is taken me forever to type this post I have way to many typos and I use to type daily at work...

I tried to walk (smoke a cig) and when I was walking It's a very dreamy buzz if that makes since... and I am very dizzy and couch locked.. watched the movie called shrooms...and I think I enjoyed it more then I would have normally too..lol it was good..

took well over 2 hours to hit me... need to lay down now..lol


Well-Known Member
sorry to ressurect this post, but was it a totally different high than smokig it???

well it kinda depends... when I had my 1st and only Bad experience with edibles there was about 20 mins or so that I actually felt fantastic... this was short lived and the feeling of HOLY HELL lasted for about 5+ hours (falling asleep helped but woke up very very lit still.

The buzz (other then the 1st time) has always been a nice mellow pain relieving effects at no point to I feel goofy or the floating feeling.
I have made some capsules that have the narcotic effect (made with hash or kief and oil) the "narcotic effect" for me is a very mellow non sleepy infact it allows me to get more motivation and have more pain free movement then my hard core rx's do.

I have been on rx's since 92 non stop and the rx's have taken their toll on my health and mental health as well
2 years ago b4 I was using cannibis for pain I had been taking 6-7 different rx's a day (yes all legally prescribed) and as of this date I have to only take 1 pill (morephine) a day I was able to cut off all my other meds and soon plan to use only the morphine on a as needed basis (meaning NOT daily or every 4 hours as I am currently suppose to.

I feel the medibles work well as does smoking it but I do prefer the medibles since they are something I can take in public.
the effects are going to be felt by each person differently as you can see from other posts some say that the medibles have no effect and I have a buddy who feels this way as well.