14 days old not sure what it is


Like i said i searched for self diag threads but im not sure if its burns from light or nute def. I have yet to feed it any nutes and have just given straight water every other day. I do not have a ph meter and i am running 3 cfl's about 3/4 to 1 inch away. Im still a newb so any help is welcome



Active Member
ive done cfls and found the cost of buyin the lighs n fixtures is more than a 150w hps. i now veg with my cfls...but it is possible to flower so dont trip if this is your plan


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using? If you're using a soil with time release ferts, or water release ferts than that is probably nute burn just from the soil.... if you are using organic soil with no nutrients in it, and this is happening... I'd say its probably a pH imbalance, which in that case adjust the pH (I know you said you don't have a pH meter, but you really REALLY need one) and feed with 6.0pH water.


it is potting soil i got from orchard supply and it has water released nutes but i havent changed my watering technique or schedule since day one and this just started about 2-3 days ago. should my local hydro store sell a ph meter


Active Member
is there nutes in your soil
ur plant has a diffencyu it has to eat something cant survivve of straight water


soil consist of this .38% nitrogen .23% phosphoric acid .06% soluble potash .18% iron. the nutes i bought are sugar peak vegitative and it is 3-1-5 3% nitrogen 1% phosphate and 5% soluble potash.


Well-Known Member
No man straight the fuck up this is nutrient burn from your soil.
I know you said you using since day 1, and this just started happening... but I can full on guarantee 110% that this is nutrient burn from your soil and I would transplant out of that shit ASAP.

I am on my first grow too, and I used soil with water release ferts in it too... and for the first 3 weeks my plant was totally healthy.... and then the nute burn kicked in all of a sudden and won't stop burning the shit out of my plant... (have not given my plant ANY nutes whatsoever, just from whats in the soil)

Lack of water definitely not, your plant would just wilt if it needed water... not burn.

Straight up man, its nute burn and I would transplant NOW into organic soil w/ no fertilizer... or else your plant is gonna be in for one fucking bumpy ride.... (and do it now, before it's too late which it is in my case)


i will have to go tomorrow and get some different soil and see what happens. since i will be changing to a nutrient free soil should i start adding nutes that are watered down or half serving once a week


Well-Known Member
No, the plants too young.
Especially because it's already nute burned.

Repot it into organic soil, give it a week or so to get over the transplant shock.... veg for another week and a half and then start nutes (as long as the new growth shows no burns!!)

ps: the burns wont ever recover, only the new growth.


Well-Known Member
It looks like nute lockout due to overfeeding, but a lot of different ailments have the same symptoms.
Were the leaves extra green and a bit wrinkled before they did what they are doing now?


well i put it on a 20/4 light schedule and gave some good water and my plant took off big time and the bad leaves were even showing signs of improvement. I did go to a diff. water i put in too


I would look into PH lockout as well. I'm coping with a similar situation and it's due to the fact that I watered for 2 weeks with about 8.0 PH.

If you want to go the cheap route you can get a fish aquarium PH kit at Wal-Mart for 5 bucks, it'll do over 200 tests. It's not as user friendly as a pen but will do the trick.