17k to afghanistan: who will be first?


Well-Known Member
Out of the 17k, I wonder who will be the first to die come spring time in the right war? I wonder what age he will be? What's he doing right now and is it plausible that he subconsciously knows he's about to die in the next few months?(This is much like seeing into the future.) someones parents will weep when they see dress blues knocking at the door, this will be the day the insomnia starts for them.The bitter tears of remorse some young man will have growing up without his older brother will effect his whole life to come...

It's a predetermined event, it's become your fate. You my friend will die in the middle of nowhere, for me. Your name will flash across my television right before they cut to commercial. If I could save you I would, but someone eles will just replace you. It's someones fate.
I can only hope that your parents or spouse is leading a happy life right now before everything changes for them.

obama made it very clear while running, this is the right war....
It's starting to get hard to tell where bush left off and obomber started.

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
Out of the 17k, I wonder who will be the first to die come spring time in the right war? I wonder what age he will be? What's he doing right now and is it plausible that he subconsciously knows he's about to die in the next few months?(This is much like seeing into the future.) someones parents will weep when they see dress blues knocking at the door, this will be the day the insomnia starts for them.The bitter tears of remorse some young man will have growing up without his older brother will effect his whole life to come...

It's a predetermined event, it's become your fate. You my friend will die in the middle of nowhere, for me. Your name will flash across my television right before they cut to commercial. If I could save you I would, but someone eles will just replace you. It's someones fate.
I can only hope that your parents or spouse is leading a happy life right now before everything changes for them.

obama made it very clear while running, this is the right war....
It's starting to get hard to tell where bush left off and obomber started.
Change you can believe in.........


Well-Known Member
Out of the 17k, I wonder who will be the first to die come spring time in the right war? I wonder what age he will be? What's he doing right now and is it plausible that he subconsciously knows he's about to die in the next few months?(This is much like seeing into the future.) someones parents will weep when they see dress blues knocking at the door, this will be the day the insomnia starts for them.The bitter tears of remorse some young man will have growing up without his older brother will effect his whole life to come...

It's a predetermined event, it's become your fate. You my friend will die in the middle of nowhere, for me. Your name will flash across my television right before they cut to commercial. If I could save you I would, but someone eles will just replace you. It's someones fate.
I can only hope that your parents or spouse is leading a happy life right now before everything changes for them.

obama made it very clear while running, this is the right war....
It's starting to get hard to tell where bush left off and obomber started.
Well said.


Well-Known Member
Yep, right on. It wouldn't matter if we sent a million troops over there. Unless we plan on exterminating the Afghan people wholesale they will not be happy until we leave. This has been the fate of empire after empire that has ventured into that place we should leave now while the getting is good.