400watt hps or 800watt cfl's


Well-Known Member
400 HPS duh. You should know the answer or give more background, like what it is for, where it is going. Ya know all that jazz.


Well-Known Member
I want to do something with CFLS, but I am using my HPS for budding. I understand nothing can beat that regardless. So that is what leads to my first post.


Well-Known Member
HPS or more efficient in watts to lumen output than CFL so if you using yield to cost to determin the best buy HPS light would get you more bud the CFL in dollars spent, but you really shouldn' compare 400 watt HPS to 800 watt CFL 800 watts of cfl is going to give out more light than 400 watt but your using double the power I would compare = wattages.