A few questions


Well-Known Member
Ok it is my first indoor grow. Heres what i got 10 mezar seeds from dutch passion put them in soil watered them put plastic over the pots to creat a mini green house effect. How long should i wait for them to sprout? I have them in a 4x4 closet with 4 10inch air vents most of the time i will keep the closet doors open with the air conditioner on so i can keep the room about 78 degrees. I have a 1000wt switchable balast with a 1000wt mh bulb and another 1000wt hps. My plan is to use the mh for 2 months of veg and then switch to the hps for the last two months. My soil is 6.5 ph. I will use nuts about a week or so after they sprout 10.7.7 How is my set up? Does any body have any advice? I have put about $600.00 into this set up so im hoping for a good haul.



Well-Known Member
they should sprout in a few days , and i only veg for about 4 week depending on plant growth and they still finish up around 5 feet and i dont use any nutes for at least the first 3 weeks they burn easy when young

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Big thumbs up! I keep reading the posts here and I'm amazed at how few people know that you need a REAL light (like you purchased) to grow enough weed to keep yerself high!

I echo what joek said. No nutes early on. They have some genetic goodness in there to help em out at first..and MOST folks fert too early and then wonder why they don't have massive growth goin on. On top of that, they use WAAAYYYY too strong ferts with double digit N-P-K ratings...successfully toxifying the soil and stunting their plant before it even knows what to do.
Most of the time the question of "why is my 5 month old plant only 6 inches tall?" is followed by "I use Miracle Grow/Schultz ferts and they are in Miracle Grow potting soil. Damn Wally World/Casa De Pot...

coupla thoughts...

you venting the hot air out of those 4 vents with a fan...or are they passive?
Do you have a circulating fan yet?

If yer gonna bloom in that space..can you shut the door and make it COMPLETELY dark and still keep the temps down to 75?

Mazar is a good strain to start with. A buddy had a nice haul of it a few years ago that was very chunky and stoney.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's not going to work, pack up all those mazar babies and ship them to......me! LoL

NO, honeslty, I love the mazar, it rocks. Huge yeild, nice small plants, huge colas. I always germinate on a paper towel, placed into a baggie, so I have nothing to offer you on that part of your grow.

8 weeks sounds like alot of vegging to me. Especially with all the beautiful lighting that you have. Are they air cooled?

Just wait til they are sexually mature to start flowering, just look for alternating nodal arrangements and leaves with 5 or more blades. I vegged my mazar til about 12" and harvested 30" plants. You can check my journal.

One think that I kinda liked was how each plant had it's own special traits, so much so, we started to name em.
I had this one that reminded us of a chinese temple, with it's leaves slightly tilted up, and a darker green color than the rest.
We called her "mean n green". In the end, she was a prized smoker too!


You mention your nutes as if it was an after thought? Are you going organic? Earth juice is good, personally I like foxfarm. You may want to re-think your nutes.

Make sure you have your ventilation in place too. Are you going to supplement with additional co2, it'll certainly increase your yeild. Even using the co2boost.com worked nice for me.
Good luck & happy smoking!
(I'm off now to fill a bowl of my mazar)

Ok it is my first indoor grow. Heres what i got 10 mezar seeds from dutch passion put them in soil watered them put plastic over the pots to creat a mini green house effect. How long should i wait for them to sprout? I have them in a 4x4 closet with 4 10inch air vents most of the time i will keep the closet doors open with the air conditioner on so i can keep the room about 78 degrees. I have a 1000wt switchable balast with a 1000wt mh bulb and another 1000wt hps. My plan is to use the mh for 2 months of veg and then switch to the hps for the last two months. My soil is 6.5 ph. I will use nuts about a week or so after they sprout 10.7.7 How is my set up? Does any body have any advice? I have put about $600.00 into this set up so im hoping for a good haul.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick responce. I didnt go air cooled thats why i think i will keep the closet door open most of the time with the AC on. My vent holes are passive but im trying to figure a way to put a cheep fan inside. ( i will need to keep the doors closed from time to time) The room windows are blacked out and when the lights are off there is no light at night, i plan on putting my timmer on 18/6 with the 6 starting at about 10:30 so it will be dark outside for the whole 6 when i go to 12/12 i will start at about 7:30. I went with hydro grow organic soil and planing to use hydro grow organic nutes. Hydro grow is from a local market here it seemed pretty good and it is about 6.5ph so i thought i would try it out. Maybe i will rethink how long i Veg. I havent thought about Co2 its to hard to get here but dry ice is cheap what would you think about using a chunk of dry ice every week or two or do you need it everyday? Everyday would be to expensive. Videoman40 i read your thread a month ago thats why bought the mezar. Your thread was a killer with alot of good info.
Im having a bowl of northern lights outdoor myself.


Well-Known Member
ok its the morning of day 4 two of the seeds have broken through the soil. My question is do i start the lights now or do i wait for the other 8 to come through? Will starting the lights now keep the others from breaking through?



Well-Known Member
If it's spruoted, give it light, it won't affect the others. Careful not to cook it under your big lights though. I germinated mine in a wet paper towell then planted in soil. They went straight under my lights as soon as I had planted the germinated seeds. They started coming through the soil 2 days later.

Good luck mate, I look forward to following your adventure! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Even with an ac unit you are going to have to come up with some way to vent that stale/hot air out of there. And I don't think you should rely on a passive set up. You need something that will move that old air out and cause enough suction that fresh air is drawn in. You should look into getting an air cooled hood too. Try to prevent the heat from building up in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Even with an ac unit you are going to have to come up with some way to vent that stale/hot air out of there. And I don't think you should rely on a passive set up. You need something that will move that old air out and cause enough suction that fresh air is drawn in. You should look into getting an air cooled hood too. Try to prevent the heat from building up in the first place.

Im leaving the closet doors open with two fans blowing air in the closet and the Airconditioner is on the temp at plant level is 80 degrees now. If i can keep the temp at plant level about 76-80 do you think it will be ok.


Well-Known Member
If you can control the temp. Then the only thing you should worry about is making sure that if you have to shut the door for long periods that there is plenty of fresh air entering the room and the old air is exiting.


Well-Known Member
Oh and a air cooled hood would make it much easier to control the temps.

Good Luck on your grow.


Well-Known Member
For right now the doors can stay open but im going to rig a 8 inch fan to a duct and see if i can get the temps right with the doors closed, now ac is on with a floor fan on the outside blowing air in and a small wall mounted fan blowing air at light level to blow most heat away from the plants. By the way i have had the lights on for three hours now and beleave it or not another seed has poped up.


Well-Known Member
Even with the doors wide open the you have a dead air space (ceiling area). Your ac unit does not bring in fresh air. You need to exhaust that stale air. You need a fan also to create a breeze. Air cooled hood is a good start. But don't skip the exhaust fan. See examples below:

Suncourt 8" Inline Duct Fan Rated at 500 cfm (cubic feet per minute)Tried and true tools for the heating and cooling trade, wisely adapted for cooling grow light reflectors. An Inline Duct Fan is a reliable and cost effective way to keep temperature in the indoor garden under control. Use one fan per light or to increase the efficiency of an exhaust system. These economically priced fans have a lesser cfm (cubic feet per minute air exchange) than the high output CAN-FANS also available on this site. Perfect for air cooling a single lighting reflector or ventilating a small closet sized grow room.
8" Inline Fan

EasyCool 6 - 6" INLINE AIR COOLABLE Reflector EASYCOOL6The EasyCool6 is a mid-sized reflector with MAXIMUM performance. The EasyCool6 features built in 6” cooling flanges and an innovative hinged and gasketed tempered glass lens. The EasyCool6 hinged lens allows for simple and easy access to the lamp, and the airtight gasket completely seals the unit for maximum cooling capabilities and CO2 enrichment. The reflective insert is high efficiency 95% reflective textured aluminum. The heavy duty housing features sturdy steel construction and a durable white finish.
Fits cordset from High Yield Lighting, Sunlight Supply, HTGSUPPLY.com Grow Lights, GrowBright and Digital Greenhouse
Dimensions: 18” long, 15” wide, 7.5” deep


Well-Known Member
Ok i got 4 sprouts up and another just breaking through the soil. Tody is the second full day with the 1000wt MH light on. Im finding out i must water twice a day. A good watering in the morning and a light watering in the afternon or the soil drys out. They are in 2 liter pots right now but i think when i transfer them to larger pots i wont need to water so often. Is watering everday ok as long as the under soil is not to wet? Four of the sprouts have been up for two full days they are about 1 inch tall with two round leaves and two very small spike leaves. I am not using any nutes yet i though i should wait about 2 weeks before starting. my question is as i read through these posts i see alot of pictures of plants 2 weeks to 18 days old and the plants look to be 5 to 10 inches tall with alot of leaves. Are mine starting off as usual and they will grow alot in the next two weeks or should i start giving them nutes?



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Im Calling The Cops On U Ur Going To Jail Drugs Kill Ppl Dont Smoke Them

were the fuck did this fag come from....good work banning him so quick....LOL