Abuse of power ?


Well-Known Member
ABUSE OF POWER ? I understand that someone has to be given the power to delete a thread or a post and in itself is not a bad thing , but to do so with out a reason is wrong and against everything people stand for , if it is done for a reason then those people who have been given that power should have the obligation to stand up and give their reason for their actions anything less is not acceptable . Putting gutless people in the position of power will always lead to problems and you can see it clearly by what is going on now with this site ,


Well-Known Member
what are we talking about?
Basically it appears that posters are being kicked off the forum for no apparent reason and others doing the same things are not being kicked off ? But abuse of power goes far deeper than that , just watching the MM movement and the people in power , the people have spoken and look how some of the people in power are resisting the will of the voters.