Acid Farts


For me L comes in waves. It starts in my gut and comes out my eyes. Just when the flow of the trip becomes standard that goofy little chem wants to change it up. Gurgle in the gut then straight out my ass.


Active Member
So I was hoping to have a trip report for you all - but my memory is so poor.... Furthermore, the next morning I had my first real DMT experience which just completely knocked my fucking socks off.... I had made this DMT probably 2 months ago and just started filling my head with knowledge and reports on it. My advice, don't read tooo much about it. I was worried. I had smoked it twice before in small doses and my experiences with it in small doses was not too good.

Strong visuals my first two times, but definitely did not blast off. My second experience with it even sent me running to the bathroom where I proceeded to vomit, then poop, then vomit. I spent the next 10 minutes just tripping out on my toilet =(

To say I had some anxiety about my third time is a bit of an understatement. I had given most of my homemade supply away to various friends who had good experiences with it, though, and I was left with enough to blast off twice. I carried this small amount around with me various places, just waiting, knowing eventually I would feel ready.

Around 9 am, strong afterglow from the night, I felt ready. Packed a bowl, put a hefty scoop on top, and held that hit until my mind dissolved. As I exhaled, the world just left. I closed my eyes and it felt as if I was being upgraded or taking in some sort of new frequency. Anxiety hit me hard. I was nervous, what had I done to myself? When I opened my eyes, I felt as if I could not see. The feeling of anxiety I had was gone! It was as if it could not even exist anymore! I could see, but it was not what I expected to see. My friends were like slithering hieroglyphic snakes. Their bodies extending into long tails composed of hieroglyphic symbols that stretched around the corners of the room into some sort of fractal river that flowed endlessly. I don't know... I can't truly describe it. I feel a greater understanding of plank time now....

DMT is heavy, but don't fear it as I did. Anc says it will call you - it will. After the come down I remembered what happened fairly well - I would write it down then because the more time passes, the more you forget what happened.

More MHRB is on the way to my house now.........

I would say that I finally have "tripped" - don't get me wrong. I love acid, shrooms, etc.... but this is tripping


Well-Known Member
I always get the acid farts at the tail end of the trip. Once I start farting I know sleep won't be far behind. lol

Haven't had acid in soooooooooooo long. Gotta be 10 years or so now. I am however about to birth 6 PC B+ jars within the next week. So I got that to look forward to. :P