Acid, Possible first time


Active Member
Yes, make sure you're with people that you know well and trust. Also helps to have one sober friend as a designated "calm the f down guys" around. And I recommend doinf it out in nature as opposed to a puplic place with many people, specially the 1st time.

Other than that, Enjoy! :) Haven't done Acid in over 20 years, as I believe it is a young man's drug and shouldn't be taken after you hit 30, but that's just me :D


I might have the chance to get acid. Any tips or warnings from the people of Rollitup?
make sure you plan out what you're going to do when you're tripping. when i did it the first time it was at my friend's house, then i ended up riding in a truck to my other buddy's house and introduced to a new environment lol..
you want to be in comfortable safe place where you can just chill out.

smoke weed here and there while you're trippin, its awesome.

get a good music selection picked out beforehand. personally nothing does it better for me than a live pink floyd light show on a big HD screen.

make sure you're in a good mood when you take the acid. you want the mindset like, "I'm gonna have the time of my life today and expand my mind to a totally different level!" hahah that's the way i thought about it and i had quite the experience.

also i wouldn't take more than one hit if its your first time. you want to get a feel for it you know?

good luck!!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
I agree with all of the above. No TV unless it's like Passafire said...Floyd or something on that level. Try to eat before you drop the A.

Designated Chill the Fuck out Guy
Comfy environment
Don't be the only guy dropping A ;)


Active Member
Try shrooms first IMO. But ya nice quiet place with friends who u trust to not mess with u while ur on ur trip. And the whole thing lasts for hours so make sure u have a full day after to rest/recover.
Good luck with it!


haha yeah icksnay on regular television, it will leave you very confused...
i was tripping hard on two strong hits and my friends put on an NFL game. first i thought we were watching someone play madden, that's exactly what it looked like. then everybody's faces looked morphed together like the children on the conveyor belt in "Pink Floyd The Wall" the movie.

but after i peaked and wasn't getting intense visuals i watched Fear and Loathing and it was very enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
Yes, make sure you're with people that you know well and trust. Also helps to have one sober friend as a designated "calm the f down guys" around. And I recommend doinf it out in nature as opposed to a puplic place with many people, specially the 1st time.

sound advice


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I don't know what form its in, but what form is best? (Pill etc.)
There isn't really a difference (just personal preference). It can be in liquid (and dropped onto something), on blotter, or microtabs.

As to tips (it's all preference):

Be somewhere comfortable
* Some people want a trip sitter, some do not that's up to you (do what makes you feel comfortable, not what someone else says to do IMHO). If you would feel more safe with someone, make it someone you trust and if possible, someone experienced with tripping. If you would rather be by yourself (I prefer this, I get to see my reaction to the substance first) then just stay somewhere safe and comfy.

Keep weed (and if you smoke cigs) on hand
* I find these to be comfort items, plus everything is better when you're tripping, and everything is better when you're high.. so it's like amplified betterness ;-). If you smoke joints/blunts, you may prefer to roll some before hand (just in case your coordination decides to shit on you whilst tripping).

Avoid stressful situations
* For the most part avoid anyone who could make your trip suck (parents, police, annoying people). I think most people would recommend staying out of crowded areas (as this can be disorienting to some).

* For a first timer, you should probably wait on tripping if you are stressed/depressed/pissed/etc. as these emotions could interfere with your trip being "good" (unless you're aiming to get into your head, but that is another story entirely).

I'll add more as I think of them.