acid stories


Well-Known Member
It's been a month since I tripped last. After reading this I think I want to dig out my last strip when my girl gets home and see what fun comes. Nothing better than white fluff!
I had a few tabs of acid just yesterday and I had a pretty vivid trip, which freaked me the hell out. I was with a few mates and it was pitch black, so we decided to walk through a dark forest (as you do). Half-way into our walk I noticed that the forest looks like the forbidden forest from Harry Potter, where they get chased by the werewolf. I then remembered about my unconditional werewolf phobia. I looked up into the sky to see that the moon (which wasn't full before) was now fool. I heard a woman screaming and a growling and panting sound and I could smell burnt rubber. I heard foot-steps come towards us and then a big black werewolf with yellow eyes ran round the corner. I freaked out and kicked it in the face and bolted off into the woods on my own (yet another great idea). I tripped that I was being chased for a good 3 hours. Also, my mates told me today that it wasn't a werewolf but an over-excited (and now cautious) dog with an extremely pissed off walker.

The bad trip was my own fuckin' fault but it was awesome, can't wait to take it again!


bud bootlegger
my favorite tripping story was one time i took a few hits, and got in the car to drive to a store to get some balloons to do some nos with...

i get up to the town center where all the stores are, and turn into the parking lot.. i get behind this car that was driving idk, maybe 1mph, and was saying to meself, what are you, retarded or something, lol, when dude slows down to pull into a spot and i got around him..
i look over at the person driving the car i was bitching in my head about, and it turned out to be this dude who only had two stumps for arms, and he was holding the wheel with these stumps instead of hands... well, didn't i feel like the jerk off, lol, and it's something that would only happen when you're tripping, lol..


Well-Known Member
I candy flipped on the beach, sat in the same spot in the sand for nearly 4-5 hours without moving... I had a gnarly sun burn on literally only half of my body, straight line down the middle. It looked/felt ridiculous


New Member
I went to a Alternative High School , we called it Romp Room High .. We were the outcasts and we were diverse , but we all liked weed in general and LSD 25 was around a lot back then thanks to the Dead Heads and the U.S.P.S. .

It was 1989 and I decided I was ready to trip and explore the other side .. I had smoked weed for years prior so I figured it couldn't be as hard as its put out to be , weed surely wasnt that hard of a drug.. And I assumed the same with LSD. So I spent my lunch money on a few hits and waited until the end of the school day to dose . I then boarded the school bus and went about my normal business while waiting for this trip to kick in . I don't think 20 mins went by before I ate the other two hits while thinking it was bunk or simply weak ..

After almost an hour from my initial dosage I was home and in my bedroom alone and still thinking I had gotten bunk LSD .. It wasn't bunk oh no , I began to smoke a joint and before I knew it reality had slipped away ... I suddenly found myself feeling emotions I never sensed before while at the same time my eyes began to play tricks on me as I began to Hallucinate ..

This was not easy to deal with at first , I tried to read a magazine and every person in that magazine was talking to me .. I threw the magazine and headed to my door , it suddenly dawned on me that I was on the other side of the door and that I must not open it . For my mother was on the other side lmao , that alone made me paranoid as I did not want her to know that I was so fucked up .. I just sat down and said fuck it , stay in here and learn to cope ..

It was then that I decided some music would be nice , I looked up after turning on my stereo and there was a rock concert happening within a poster of Megadeath .. Dave and the guys looked like demons though and I decided metal music was not my tea while tripping .. I then found the classic radio station and slipped into my bed , the bed seemed to be a downward spiral along with the music , it too seemed to pull me in ..

As I tried to keep my eyes diverted from this trap suddenly my mother knocked on my door for supper , I fucking answered the phone in reply and said hello . She then knew even though I thought she might not .. I simply said leave me alone please , I don't feel well , but she didn't buy into this though and she demanded that I get my ass to the kitchen table .. I did but the table was fucking spinning and making odd sounds .. I found a chair somehow and sat down while my mother set the table ..

I ll never forget the food that she put on the table Pork Chops , Macaroni and Green Beans .. These simple foods looked horrid to me , I saw nothing but Maggots and Spinal cords along with entrails .. By this time mom knew I was not feeling to well and she sent me to the living room ... Oh fuck I was peaking then and there , I could not really figure out the steps that lead upstairs let alone climb them . Somehow I floated up the stairs and into our living room .. Here I found all materials to be made of fluids , these fluids would melt and splatter and then slowly revert back to there original forms , over and over but with never ending pattern changes .. I was so fucked up at this point that I saw water falls in my own jeans and thought I was outside somewhere else ..

I somehow landed on my back from collapsing with laughter at some point and the ceiling fans became helicopters flying around my head , but I feared moving as I did not want to drown in all of the liquids that surrounded me . At this point I think I was fucking insane and completely gone ..

I don't recall much after that besides waking up naked in a bathroom closet with my clothes in the freezer .. Sorry no pics and it did happen , all of it .. Thanks mom for the laughs , she knew all along and even enjoyed a few trips of her own ...

Moral of my story , always wait for the first dose to kick in before taking two more !

personal lux

Well-Known Member
my first acid trip was a very nice LSD trip. i took 2 hits and after 30 minutes noticed the trees outside being quite mroe vibrant in color this fall than usual...twenty minutes later thigns were really going. my phones screen becomming 3D ass i push through the screen seemingly and my fingers changed size. after we got out of the car an hour later at my home it was quite offsetting my equilibrium induced a huge trip and a 180 to my large yard at sunset made the trees begin gaining and lossing heighth and length and depth along with sparkling and color changes all around. i sat down. enjoyed it without moving and breathing deeply for the remaining period of the sunset and then watched the moon for several minutes which turned to be two hours. i decide to take a walk down my rode along the powerlines. as they swayed back and fourth seemingly crossing the buzzing trancing me and vibrating my body. i feel my buz beginning to fade after 4-5 hours. i am now back home watching family guy and futurama in a pleasant mood with my girlfriend. very good first experience with a very clean bob marley blot.


New Member
First time I did acid I ate 2 tabs (200ug each) ordered from SR and was in a fucking dream. I was probably tripping for around 20-26 hours. I had a few downsides like when I peaked I thought I was going to come down... Hell no dude. I was up there for a hot ass minute. Thank god a had a very exp. tripper with me or I would have freaked out. Other than that the best part of it is when I looked up in the sky and saw a purple dragon. That shit was fucking crazy. I was lunching hard as shit


Well-Known Member
Rainbow Gathering...LSD...DMT...Crazy!!!!!!

thats my story hope to repeat this year


Well-Known Member
First time I did acid I ate 2 tabs (200ug each) ordered from SR and was in a fucking dream. I was probably tripping for around 20-26 hours. I had a few downsides like when I peaked I thought I was going to come down... Hell no dude. I was up there for a hot ass minute. Thank god a had a very exp. tripper with me or I would have freaked out. Other than that the best part of it is when I looked up in the sky and saw a purple dragon. That shit was fucking crazy. I was lunching hard as shit
20+ hours is a pretty good sign that what you had wasn't LSD. Were the blotters bitter?


Well-Known Member
My first trip was a few years ago, I ate one tab and it started kicking in about 30 mins later. I spent half the night in my grow room just staring at my plants they were all "visibly" growing and just looked and smell out of this world. We watched this movie about undersea life, which was insane with all the fish and coral with the water and bright colors. Went outside for a few to get some fresh air, and was sitting on my doorstep as I watched lilys grow out of the ground. It was like October and nothing was growing outside, but I was able to watch them grow up and then flower into beautiful blooms. All in all pretty awesome night, after that we did it a few more times while it was around, I worked up to 3 hits and my wife did 2. All in all I found the acid to feel more like a all around party. I've done alot of mushrooms over the years, and in some reasonably high does and mushrooms always have a much more spiritual feeling. The shrooms always put me in my head and really make me think about life, and I've come to believe they are in fact sentient. Mushrooms always have something to teach us, and I didn't have that experience on the acid, it was just about fun. That may have had to do with the actual acid, or perhaps just my mental state. When I tried acid I had already had many intense mushroom experiences, so perhaps the acid just didn't effect my mind the same way as it would someone that hasn't.


New Member
20+ hours is a pretty good sign that what you had wasn't LSD. Were the blotters bitter?
The blotters had no taste. And I'm 100% sure they were LSD because the I got it from a very trusted vendor many may and may not know as Silk Road. 200ug of LSD-25 in each tab.


New Member
And I'm pretty sure if you took around 400ug of acid you would be up for atleast a day and tripping at least 20 hours of that day


Well-Known Member
A group of us took my camper perched atop a 1947 Willies pickup for a long trip into the mountains in mid state Washington in very early spring. There were 5 of us, we took several cases of beer, a couple dozen tabs of high grade acid, each of them at least two way, we took peyote buttons, dexadrine, doriden, and anything else each of us happened to have in our medicine bags.

We got up into the mountains to where the snow was several feet deep in the middle of a dirt road, parked, lit up my wonderful catalytic heater and set down to work.

We set up a game of monopoly - right there in the middle of this cramped, made for two wooden camper, wedged ourselves into the corners, set up our lighters and cigarettes and ashtrays. We alloted each with their money, their markers, agonized over who would be the banker and began what was the most hellish game of monopoly ever plaid.

You see, we randomly laid pills all over the board. The do not pass go square had a tab of acid, park place had some speed, the tax square had the doriden - and so forth. We determined that as we played we had to eat what ever pill was on the square we landed AND the tab was replaced with another.

Now I don't really remember which pill was on which square but I do know that in the 8th or 10th hour we all began to loath the game of monopoly and we began to forget who's turn was whos. We all lost track of which pills each person had and how many - the doriden and the speed tended to keep us from flying around the room under the influence of all that acid. We were cooped up in this tiny camper with a little heater while the outside temperature plumeted to far below zero. Allthe while we were drinking beer after beer after beer. After a while this tiny room, filled with sweating tripping farting guys became our entire universe except for the times when we, one by one crept outside to pee and toss our trash. This was to go on for a grand total of four days - the monopoly game was never quite complete, ever, we lost cash, we misplaced the markers - especially the dog, over and over again (I think it was the dog). The dice? My friend Paul, wise as he still is, had put a dozen dice in his pocket and each time the dice bounced into the recesses of the couch or the bed or the tiny stove one of us would exclaim "THAT IS IT, WE ARE DONE, why... we can't go on without dice, let's figure something else to do" whereupon paul would produce another set and we would go on. None of us even had the presence of mind to question how he kept finding the dice and it was only a week later cleaning up the filthy mess of my camper that I wound up counting all the dice I found.

sometime early the next morning we decided to venture out at least to strech our legs and I demanded that none of us go more than a few feet from the camper, I was certain that we would all get hypothermia and die there in the middle of the road. That didn't happen, we took a several hour walk and finally went back to the camper to continue our damn game. I don't know why but it was infinitely important that we continue to play. If for some reason we quit the game, the universe would end, everyone in the world including ourselves would die a painful death so it was up to us to continue to roll the dice and continue to decifer the meaning of the spots on them and continue to attempt to figure out which direction we were to move and to put our finger on where we started from and count, one by one, at times with all of us helping "one......two......three......four......five .....six - ooops, you landed on the blue acid! and we were chided and goaded into eating it. Now I was keeper of the acid - I always was, and after the end of the second day I claimed that we could not continue unless we halved the dosages - I lied, we could have continued far longer but i was beginning to have trouble with my emotions and I feared landing on yet another full tab of those little double dome things, I perpetually hoped i would land on the Doriden because it seemed to bring me down a bit but we were all ruthless on each other - you LAND on the pill you EAT the pill whatever it was.

On the third day we were running low on beer and we heard the whine and thunder of snow mobiles where for days we had heard absolutely nothing. Recall, we had stopped in the very middle of a real honest road that people used to go from place to place, not over to the edge, not in a bend in the road just right there in the middle.

We were terrified. Recall that we were the center of the universe and that our game was paramount in keeping the wheels of God himself turning at a measured clip, we were Esential to the workings of all things and we must get back to the game.

Except that the snow mobiles didn't pass us by, there was a knock at our tiny door and two park rangers were waiting for us to emerge from our wooden, warm, stink ridden cave.

When we emerged into the new light of the morning we surveyed our camp sight.

That is a picture that remains with me. It was a scene of depravity. The truck was compleley surrounded by yellow stain, eminating stripes radiating from the truck - it was like a child's drawing of the sun with a rust-orange truck and a home made camper in the center - it was the result of gallons of pee the markings of primitives of their tiny territory and, in the morning it stank. Now surrounding that was a layer of detrius, cans of olympia beer, some crushed some whole, bottles , squat and round EVERYWHERE in a range of 15 yards in every direction from the camper - a halo of beer leavings. The five of us, and the two rangers surveyed the site for what honestly seemed like hours, all of us actually seeing it for the first time, we looked at the absolute squalor in unison. We were high enough to take in the totality, we saw if from 100 feet above, we saw it from a thousand feet, we saw it from every angle at the same time.

we saw it through the eyes of the rangers, we saw it in it's acid totality and we were shrunken in our embarassment. Then we were fearful as no one could help but see that our eyes were pools of black and brown, our cheeks were bruised, blood vessils in our noses burst and gleeming in that cold morning sun, our breath fetid from slim jims, cheetoes, sardines and pickled herring. We were sure there would be some sort of instant recrimination, jail time, pillory, public humiliation, why the GAME would be stopped and all people would die in their tacks.

but the sceen was so horrific that I believe the rangers were incapable of rational reaction. Oh, the YELLLOW of the snow, the imensity of it, the streaks, melted into tiny canyons where it has refrozen almost instantly. that coil of frozen shit sprinkled with toilet paper over there "hidden" behind a pitiful stick or two - hell it seemed like a nice blind at the time.

"uh... you boys WILL pick up your.... garbage before you go, won't you?" "you ARE leaving soon, right?". We were reduced to very long pauses, weakly substituting for considered thought followed with an "aaaah, well, we uh, mumble turn to a partner and htat partner simply repeating our sutumbling "response". Only one of our member, Neil, was capable of long term coherent thought and he spoke for our band, or band that was amazed and grateful that he WAS capable of cogent understandale thought. and with that the snowmobiles slowly glided away, with the rangerslooking back in what must surely have been horror.

When the doriden had finally overcome the speed and the diminishing potentcy of the acid we dutifuly pickedup our trash and made the long trip home, as it turns out - on fumes oth of the fuel kind and of the mental kind - seems as though our catatlytic converter used more than we had anticipated.

I counted my supply several days later, I had brought 28 tabs of high potency acid with me, I had 3 and some crumbs left. I never heard a count on the speed but I know they were flying off the table at times. The doriden? a full prescripton bottle of 30 was completely empty. We had neve gotten around to the peyote 0 thank god, I don't know what the rangers would have thought about pounds of puke layed thickly on the yellow snow.


Well-Known Member
Wow nice story canndo,

One time we got some tabs and dosed 1.5 each. As the visuals start we go outside on the porch where we watch the trees breath and morph and my friend starts to see images in the leaves. My other friend lights up a cigarette and starts taking the biggest drags ive ever seen anyone take. Literally cartoon style where it just keeps burning down and he lets out MASSIVE hits of smoke. Poor lungs lol, were all tripping pretty hard at this point and the sober roommate offers to take everyone to walmart since he needs OJ, eggs? idremember, anyway we all pile in the car and float/fly our way to walmart. Im greeted to a sea of colors that is literally swimming in my vision now, as my friend and i slowly walk around staring at everything like newborns i start laughing at the sight of my friend, shit eating grin on his face, riding a tricycle he had found in the toy/kids section. We all have a good laugh until an employee shows up with an odd expression asking us to put it back.

Another time i had a friend freak the fuck out (and only on one hit) pulled a decorative sword (who has these??) off the wall and start breaking things before running out into the night to be lost for hours until he finally showed up home hours later( told us he was running from cops or something in his trip and was hopping fences all night in an effort to "escape")


Well-Known Member
I think one of the most interesting times I ever had involved me being sober. A friend and I managed to get hold of 500 tabs of what was reputed to be the original orange sunshine. I doubt it but it was some mighty fine acid. this was in college, I got the keys to a vacant dorm room on the second floor and sat there in a comfortable chair next to a night stand with a stand up ash tray on the other side. It was a friday night. I simply sat there and on the end table was an apothecary jar filled with small vivid orange/yellow pills. Nothing else in the room, Godfather like, just me and my chair and a light and a smoldering cigarette and a largish jar of yellow/orange barrels. Calm, quiet, almost majestic.

My partner had taken a few with him and he traveled about the college he either gave out a sample or he simply told the person, persons or parties that they must go to room 417 and bring money. Word of mouth spread quickly, oh so quickly as this was a Christian college and acid was not something that tended to visit such a place, hidden in the jack pine forest of Spokane Washington.

It was in a way like trick or treat for me. I simply waited for the knock, invited people in, took their money (10 dollars) and dispensed pills right from the jar. This went on into the late evening, singles, doubles, small groups all very polite, many visitors, MANY of them although I could not tell you how many. I was in a blissful state brought on by the reverence of my visitors and the contact high from people floors below and above me all spinning into their own conciousness because of the pills I gave them. I heard later that some resold the pillls at high profit (they were that good), some hoarded them as they knew that we would raise the price, but most came, bought, took then on the spot and drifted away. They didn't ask questions, they didn't engage me in conversation - it was almost like a sort of..communion wafers being given silent blessings being offered.

I was put in mind of the acid tests that Kesey (whom I would meet years later) had done but this was an extraordinary experience for me. I must say I was dissapointed in my freind (yes the same Neil of the squalorous monopoly excursion) who as you can see was a marketing genious - had taken one. I wanted him to experience the whole of the event. We had far less than 100 of the original 500 after the night was ended. I closed up shop around 1 in the morning and everywhere I went I encountered people in various states of extatic elation. Some staring off into space, some dancing in the open air, some holed up in their rooms - Hundreds of them all high on my effort, all simultaneously on the same psychic plane. Of course I was always one step behind Neil who had taken by then to selling prerolled joints at outrageous prices. (I always marveled at his abiltiy to function flawlessly under the influence of large amounts of LSD). He wouldn't take cash from anyone, he just put the tally in his little book and moved on.

We did a repeat of the same thing with the canned "psychadelic" mushrooms some 5 months later but it didn't have the same powerful appeal and of course there was a faction of us who were certain that we must surely had contracted botulism from these sliced button mushrooms tainted with acid that we had advertised as pure psycylocybin, certain that we would at any instant, going to be unable to breath - now that is a buzz kill.


Well-Known Member
I was the editor of my high school paper. . We had organized a protest of the Viet Nam war ( rightly so, as a rather large percentage of us were doomed to be inducted into that killing machine so it was as much self preservation as it was idle idealistic activity). Our protest was a simple one, we were to wear something blue to protest but I had something more radical in mind. That Friday morning I poured three packages of royal blue rit die into my bathtub and soaked in it for half an hour before showering off, donning a yellow shirt and white pants and driving my now infamous corvette to school (I had purchased it in sad shape and spent many afternoons and evenings restoring it). Before I went to my first class I hooked down a tab of brown flat acid and attended my first class - typing I believe (yes they taught something that I actually have used a great deal afterward).

We knew better than to take acid at school because it tended to make a school day into a school century but I did it anyway and by lunch I was having trouble seeing clearly. The school was arranged around a very large central park and by that time most of the folks at school knew I had not only died myself blue but had taken some of this substance.

Dead center of this park was a lone bench and that is where I was seated when the vice principle, a man named Daniel Boone strode directly up to me. As he did so, all eyes, I could feel them, all two thousand eyes (the school had 2 thousand students and half had lunch with me) watching this confrontation between the blue boy on acid and the harshest rudest ex marine VP. But as he approached he seemed to grow smaller, diminutive, inconsequential, especially since I was in the moral right in my blue skin and he was the moraly deficit person standing behind the still proper notion that the war was a good war, an ethical war, a just war. I stood as he came and waited while he asked me what i was doing and at that moment all of the acid energy that had been diverting my attention to this pattern or that trail empowered me to make the most empassioned, ereodite, convincing speech on the war I could possibly have made. Boone was silenced, red faced, blustering, he hadn't a chance against this 17 year old powerhouse of reason and logic.

I was brought to the principle's office - still very high, still very powerful where the principle asked with some beligerance why I had opted to actually dye myself blue. ?while We were in her office, we heard a rather large bang and a tinkling of glass. Someone had taped an m-80 to a nearby window and blown that window in. "there are several ways we can exhibit our displeasure with this war Maam, that was one, mine is another, which would you perfer? I was sent home, oh but not in my car, my mother who must have been waiting for the call arrived minutes later to take me home and then to an emergency meeting with a psychiatrist. I told the shrink I had taken acid earlier in the day and for some strange reason he saw that as a good thing. We became good friends and I was informed that he often took small doses of acid before some of his sessions.

Of course afterward, eveyone wanted to buy some of that acid that had induced me to dye myself blue.

Am I hogging this thread?