Acid Time


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow night I'm going to drop acid in the first place I did it. My first trip was amazing so I'm using the same area. I'm going to listen to a bunch of Beatles an Pink Floyd. My goal is to get completely lost in my mind to reach my subconscious and speak to it. My first acid trip I was so eager to learn from it and gain some acid knowledge and I gained it. This time I am going in with the exact same attitude.


Well-Known Member
I'll be the only one on Acid there will be a couple others there who will be on Mush and one dude wont be on anything he can't handle mushrooms anymore and doesnt like Acid


Active Member
Man, have fun with that. Acid has always been one of my favorite drugs. It's just so hard to find around here.


Well-Known Member
The Beatles - Come Together

Ever since my first time doing acid I connect that song and acid like PB&J now. It makes no sense sober, but its become one of my favorite songs to start or end my trip. Also Alice in Wonderland is an intense subconcious breakthrough for some reason. That movie has so many innuendos and subtlties you never pick up sober. I felt like I understood the universe when the Mad Hatter's clock attacks him and he just says, "two days slow." I figured it out, he was on acid too ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah man fucking I watched Alice in Wonderland on 3 hits of Acid...strong acid. When watching the movie and the walrus comes on he says something like I am the walrus just not in that way but really close and if you pay attention almost every character looks the same


Well-Known Member
K so the trip is pretty much over I didnt gain any insight which sucks but its ok because it allowed me to realize that I should stop doing pyschadelics which is fine by me its something I want to respect and not take for granted

I also got a brand fuckin new 1000 dollar computer and checkin out some of these pics high on the new screen was FUCKED I'll load some pics later of the night just a couple pics that really tripped me out like I made a picture that was soooo blurry in clear form then it disapeered OH FUCK and the cops tonight my buddy had tons of weed all dealt up in 8ths a bunch of coke mdma and tabs like tonsssssss and he had to swords on him that we were fuckin arouind with the cop drove by him as he hid in the bush and when he came out they were like whats goin on man and he said Im a bushman a fuckin bushman I aint been doing anything wrong and they continued our way where my buddy who usualy does tons of drugs was sober and he loved it cause they couldnt touch him but it was crazy cause the cops almosted busted me an my buddy when we did mush last week and it was in the exact spot arite I'll get back to ya later sorry about the mistakes in spellin so if something seems out of wack Im still high oh and cant forget the peroid.