Adapt or Perish


Well-Known Member
Wasn't sure where to post this so please bare with me. While getting a few things ready for the Party today we cooked up a little something. With the recent COA ruling effecting what we do do with RSO we tried to make something legal and still effective. 1 oz dry ice hash. Unpressed 2-3 oz 190 proof alcohol Place in a rice cooker. Heat and stir until all liquid is absorbed back into the plant matter. It will look a lot like the hash/kief that u started with. Cap the dry material in 000 capsules and weights range from .04 to .10 First testers report no desernable difference from standard RSO If you see any of these capsules just laying around the Party today please despose of them in a safe responsible manner. Adapt or Perish ;) (Tag line stolen from DHF a true master)


Well-Known Member
DHF would be proud you are quoting him.

I will have to come back later in the day when my reading comprehension is in better form. Did you make hash bud
or something? If so, an Award for Nursing Excellence, recognizing your achievements may be in order.


Well-Known Member
Hash capsules sir. Lose kief. Just enough alcohol to cover the hash. Heat and stir until all the alcohol is evaporated. Continue to heat and stir until the oil is absorbed back into the plant matter. All we have really done differently than is not strain out the plant matter that come thru the hash bag... The testers phase was a success.