Aerogarden ground zero


Active Member
So a few days ago after coming to work and jumping on the computer to surf a bit I got it my head i wanted to try and grow something green. I have always been a bit of a dead thumb. So i took it on myself as a personall challenge to grow something. After a long night of youtube and googleing i found something called the aerogarden and got really excited!! I mean this thing does everything for you it is a hydropnics system with constant water bubleing on roots. I was a total idiot to anything about plants and am just learning about hydroponics (also am a horrible typer) so pls have patients and have positive imput. So anyways this thing all you do is put your seeds in a pod fill up the machine with water and a nutrient tablet and turn it on.

So this is my little puttogether of the steps i have done step by step with results. I will also try to throw in some of the important things i have learned about growing alone the way.
KK so day one I was doing a bunch of research on the process of growing and found the aerogarden along the way. There is more then one type available offering different hights light bulb amounts and settings. If you wanna know more google it. So i decided being in a 2 bedroom condo with limited space and know room to start a grow room i was gonna go this route. Btw my past has proven me to be a horrible plant grower even babysitter everything has died. So hopefully this fully automated hydro will turn that around. So living in canada there is a limited selection of these available. I found canadian tire sells them but there the crappy compact version. this would have been the way i went i was totally determined to try it out asap. So i searched a bit more and ha! i found one on kijiji a local site people sell stuff. It wasnt the delux or pro i wanted i couldnt find anyone who sold them where i live. It was the classic elite wich would be far better then the compact classic. They wanted 190 for but i managed to talk them down to 160 wich is lucky thats all i had to my name lol. So i went and got the thing. Ok so i got this AG(aerogarden) now and 3 kits to grow tomatoes and dill and crap. So Step one complete step two getting some seeds or clones. I guess i should point out i dont smoke weed i have before alot of my friends do its just not my drug of choice. I appricate the science of growing it and really want to challenge myself to learning how. So i'm really excited to have this thing i'm thinking who can i phone to get me some seeds or anything. I phone a few of my buddies who I think might have them. Bang first guy phones me back ... ya bro i got a few seeds in my nightstand you can have em want me to germinate them for ya. i told him no i'm gonna do that is part of the learning process iw anna do. So anyways it's the next day i got my thing set up and i'm off to work to grab these seeds hopefully it's gonna work. Alright so it's present time now i hope if your read this your as excited as i am and i can keep you entertained or at least learn something. So i'm off to work to get these seeds hopefully.

Oh ya i'm also grabing a new vidcam so i hope to be able to post pics and photo's!