Aerogarden & SALT. Do you flush with Clearex?


Well-Known Member
:confused:Need some help. I'm unclear on how to use CLEAREX for weed.

I'm in the 5th week of my grow from seed. The tap water I use in my 1 gal. AG200 has a ppm of 300. I'm also using Fox Farm nutes. On the FF site, the feeding schedule recommends flushing every res. change (every 2 weeks). I bought some CLEAREX and the directions say 1 tsp/gal and to let it cycle for 15 minutes.

I've changed the res but never flushed it to eleminate salt deposits.

I have some questions for you folks:

1) How do I do this. Do I drain the res and pour in the water & Clearex solution with my plants in it, then let it cycle then drain it and refil it with the normal nute soup.... or what???

2) Do any of you do this to prevent salt buildup in the AG or do you just flush at the end of the grow to leach out chemicals? or do you flush at all.

Any input is appreciated.

Keep in mind I'm using tap water with a ppm of 300


Well-Known Member
I'm going to flush and change the res tomorrow and I'd like to know if adding CLEAREX to my res for 30 min or so before flushing would help flush any salts from the roots...when I used it as i replied in the thread above, I drained my res first and just ran clearex & tap water, drained that and then refilled with nute mix.