Airflow/high humidity in flowering

Currently on my third week of flowering on my first grow. Everything has gone well to this point but looking forward, I am concerned about humidity.

currently I am running a 1000w air cooled hps light (dimmed to 75% for heat reasons) over 6 plants in a 4x4 tent. I have a 390cfm fan bringing air into my tent and a 440cfm fan as an exhaust pulling air through carbon filter and through my light. I have oscillating tower fans in 2 opposite corners and a strong 8 inch oscillating desk fan blowing over the tops of my plants.

my humidity ranges between 50% during lights on and 65% with lights off.

my tent is in my basement, inside of a 6x10 room within my basement. I have no way of exhausting the air out of my basement since the windows can’t open and I have no direct discreet access to duct upstairs, but I exhaust out of the grow tent room to the opposite side of the basement as my intake pulls from. I tried running a dehumidifier inside of my main basement area, where I am pulling air into my tent, but it makes things too hot (>85 degrees)

I keep reading that anything around 60% rh or higher can cause PM or bud rot, but I also read that with proper airflow there shouldn’t be concern for these issues.

does anyone think I should be concerned? I was thinking of getting another fan for inside the tent to position towards the top corner of the tent blowing down on top of the plants.

I keep 4 fans running in my main basement area outside the room where my tent is to keep air moving but there’s only so much I can do without being able to exhaust my hot grow tent air completely out of the basement.

Any help at all is appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
You are going to need dehumidification and more air conditioning to cover the added heat load. Thats the only way. Too much humidity will cause bud rot & powdery mildew. Don't let those temps drop with high RH% you have or PM will pop up ASAP.


Well-Known Member
If you can't run a real dehumidifier, use one of those Air-Dryr Marine Dehumidifier in your grow tent, the Davis ones are cheap, but they work great. One can easily lower the humidity in a 10' x 10' x 5' cubic foot area by 10% - 12%, while only raising the ambient temperature in that same area by 2F - 4F!


Well-Known Member
If you can't run a real dehumidifier, use one of those Air-Dryr Marine Dehumidifier in your grow tent, the Davis ones are cheap, but they work great. One can easily lower the humidity in a 10' x 10' x 5' cubic foot area by 10% - 12%, while only raising the ambient temperature in that same area by 2F - 4F!
Interesting, never seen these before. Do you currently use one?