algore takes a royal ass fucking. this is too beautiful

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
It wasn't royal enough. I wish that the GOP would stop being a wimpy little beotch.

"Pass Through" is a fucking weak characterization, and obviously Liberals do not understand who pays these taxes. It is in fact money laundering.... to channel funds through an intermediary, thus disguising the source of funds. YOU the consumer are the source of funds. The laundered money is then handed over to congress. Congress gets a big pile of money. Congress distributes that money based on lobbyist activity, thus stuffing money in their pocket. FUCK THAT. I would prefer to invest in "Green" energy myself, own the share of stock.. and F#$@ my Congressman's campaign warchest, and f#$% the {expletive deleted} G##damn F#$*'ing K-street lobbyist.

Cap and trade will in FACT result in polluting the Earth MORE. We will simply OUTSOURCE the pollution to countries that we apparently do not shit on enough already. A policy which is racist and bigoted.

Green energy... give me a break. If it aint environmentally friendly enough to accomplish making in a "progressive" Congressional district, directly in a NIMBY's backyard... then it aint green. Also consider that China cannot accomplish making a product without slave labor. Further consider that China executes Environmentalists [and other political prisoners] and harvests thier organs... China is therefor not capable of making a "Green" energy product.