ALL of RON PAUL’s replies @ ABC/N.H. debate on 1-05-08


Well-Known Member
true that. especially nit mitt. he seems like a total duche bag. and rudy over and over brings up 911. thats all he talks about besides saying hes a good leader. since he was in office during 911. the only thing that upsets me about Ron Paul is that he is not as charasmatic or fluid and easy to understand like the other canidates. which is not appealing to some people.
I still support Ron tho.


New Member
I laughed my ass off when the R.P. fans attacked Sean Hannity. Did you see the coward scoot away into the hotel? HAHAHAHEHEHOHOHO~LOL~. I guess one of the great things Ron Paul has done is to knock the credibility of Faux noise.


Just some idiot
I just love the republican debates they are almost comical with all the smirking and face making that goes on while RP makes his it's sad. But at least nobody is crying to win...hint hint Hillary