Am I good to go...or what?

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
I am planning on growing maybe 1 or 2 dro bagseeds....

I have 4 23wt. 6500k cfls for veg.
and will be purchasing a 150wt. HPS for flw.

Will this be good enough for lighting?


Well-Known Member
I am planning on growing maybe 1 or 2 dro bagseeds....

I have 4 23wt. 6500k cfls for veg.
and will be purchasing a 150wt. HPS for flw.

Will this be good enough for lighting?
It's a real good start bro. Make sure your lights are real close to those plants. like an inch or 2

I would actually double your lighting if you can. Find some 42 watters.


Well-Known Member
Yea man, get started. Key point KEEP THEM CLOSE. You're really looking for A min of 3000 lumen per square foot. Most 42 watt are 2600 Lumen. 23 watt are about 1600 lumen .YA get what I'm sayin. Use your bulbs now, get em on splitters, make or get a good reflector. It can work for you. And ya 6500K is the right Colour temp for starting Veg.

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
My closet has flat white paint so that's my current reflector.........
I currently have 2 cfls on for my seedling........should I do 18/6 or 24/0?


Well-Known Member
go 24/7 during veg. fast growth. 18/6 is a huge waste of time also go get the 85 watt cfls from stealth hydro. you can find them by the porch lighting at lowes they run about 30 dollars a piece but put out 4,200 lumens a piece and if you get them from stealth hydro you get reflectors too:)

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
I decided to go ahead and purchase 2 150watt HPS $25 lights.......should I use them for veg and flower or just flower? dont 4get I have 4 23watt cfls


Well-Known Member
veg and flower
cfl's could be used to sprout seeds or make clones or added in flowering just to cover any dark areas in the box


Well-Known Member
Some ppl use their HPS for both, but it's more effective for floweringfrom what i hear. Save your hydro bill, use your cfl,s for veg time, and use ALL of them for flowering.