Am I the only one who thinks


Well-Known Member
Again I don't think he is a jerk or doesn't know his shit just simply that I can't watch his videos anymore.
We are all gonna like and dislike people for one reason or another.
I also couldn't watch sub cools videos. Just my opinion.
I met Kyle kushman 15 yrs ago and liked the guy but my buddy who was with me said if I wasn't there he would have beat the tar out of him.
It's all perspective and such.
Very true. I don't watch YouTube weed vids unless I'm trying out new processes. And then I'll watch several to see how others are doing it and that's it. I can't stand most YouTube stoners videos for the issues you have with bubbleman's videos.


Well-Known Member
I cant watch many videos on this stuff unless its something I haven't read about and may help me.

There's some really funny herb making videos.. (:


Well-Known Member
I used to watch people trying to do reviews on strains because it was funny but now I agree I can't watch em anymore.


Well-Known Member
it's funny really.
All the info online now a day.
When we were kids..there wasn't anyone to ask or were there any books other than the odd one that told you how to do anything.
Making oil ? :lol: oooops... :dunce: so much for that batch...


how's it taste? did you get high off that ? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I like MediCroper, VaderVison,DudeGrows(they are a podcast).
Has for Bub being a jerk, I would say if you have a booth at an expo and someone comes up to you and says something, you should not brush them off.

I know in his mind he thought I do not know shit about Cannabis, he is a loser, he got his camera stolen that same day at that same event, what does he do, he went online and cried about it till one of his fans sent him a new camera (LOSER)....... I call his Camera getting stolen Karma for steeling the Bags, and NO he did not buy any rights he stole the bags and then got taken to court over it.