Am I within the law?


Active Member
I have a few questions that I have not seen addressed.

1: what does hash count as? weight wise and legality wise.

2: can other people check out my room? Or am I breaking the law if I let my girlfriend check out my plants, with or without me.

3: If my room is in my closet, but my closet doesnt lock and my room door does, does it still count as enclosed and secure area? My lawyer said I could just have my front door locked, but after watching about that guy who had the heli come in and a bunch of cops raid him because they could see his plants from the heli, I am not so sure anymore.

4: If the above situation is okay, is it okay for people to be in my room room, not my grow room/closet?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
1. it counts...technically hash has harsher punishments attached to it.
2. sure...its just not a very good idea (date her for at least 4 years before showing her)
3. its all case by case BS, your word vs. theirs if it comes down to it. and it sounds like that guys' plants were outside anyway.
4. if you trust them no one can stop you from having company in your house.


New Member
1: product made from marijuana it is protected under the law

2: only if they have a card - but again whos going to know. Its really not a good idea to show anyone your grow room generally, better safe then sorry and In my opinion that is kind of a need to know thing - I mean are they going to be watering your plants for you or something? That is the only reason they need to know...sometimes people close to you need to know you grow or they figure it out themselves but that doesnt mean they need to know where u grow. Everyone who knows I grow think that I grow out in the woods lol, the idea of pot growing indoors doesnt even enter most peoples mind.

3: your house only need functioning locks your lawyer is right

4: technically if they have a card yes but whos going to find out really, idk I would put a lock on your closet if your worried about it, kinda silly though unless you live somewhere with strangers coming and going.


Active Member
Thanks guys! +rep for both.

I'm still a little confused for the hash thing though. I have my medical card, so if I make hash, does it count weight for weight? Like I could have 1 oz of smokeable pot and then an oz and a half of hash and be fine? Or does hash count in its own thing? Or count more for weight?

Then another thing, what about butter? How much pot butter can you have? If I get like a pound off my plants and can only have 2.5, can I just throw (by just throw, i mean slave in the kitchen for like 2 days) 13.5 oz into a bunch of butter and be good?


New Member
these questions are yet to be answered but I really dont think they can get away with weighing like a cake, Im sure they could get away with making hash count against your 2.5 oz...your supposed to only have 2.5 ounces of marijuana product..nobody has been convicted of having a bunch of cookies yet lol

these are questions you should be asking a lawyer


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is anything you have made out of cannabis is going to be weighed and counted so if it is 2.5 ounces of cannabis then it is 2.5 hash,butter, etc. So be careful about advertising those pound cakes.
Second you really should not tell anyone let alone show them. Trust me when I tell you the more eyes and ears the higher the risk of anything and everything.
Alot left to be defined in the law or should I say in the laws eyes. Good luck my friend.