An introduction to hunting Psilocybe mushrooms


Well-Known Member
4 part video documentary on hunting mushrooms, it is actually a hobby to some people to hunt, and identify mushrooms, there are many different genus's and Psilacyben (the hallucenagenic kind) are the topic of these ince they are probably the most widely hunted.

This is the real deal, if you want to get into some serious shrooom hunting watching these videos as a start is a must, after this you'll probably want to find a field guide.

Parts 2-4 are amazing! video 1 is basically an intro but I'd watch 'em all. Don't be a dumb mushroom picker, get educated her

YouTube - The Hunt for Wild Magic Mushrooms 1 of 4 part 1

YouTube - The Hunt for Wild Magic Mushrooms 2 of 4 part 2

YouTube - The Hunt for Wild Magic Mushrooms 3 of 4 part 3

YouTube - The Hunt for Wild Magic Mushrooms 4 of 4 part 4