Any Good Tea Recipes Out There


Well-Known Member
I've often made my own teabags, but each time I find I need something extra then the plain ol' milky kind. As someone who cannot stand smoke or inhaling, ingesting is the only way I can take the dosage. I'm just looking for flavor varieties and maybe a better or more efficient procedure to maximize my intake.


Well-Known Member
THC isn't water soluable. You may get better results by steeping it something fatty like whole milk. The THC will dissolve in the milk-fat, that's why cannabutter is so effective. If you made a strong batch in some cream you could add it to tea, hot chocolate, or coffee, or on oatmeal, etc.


Well-Known Member
cheers! I have been using buttermilk and heavy cream. Then I add the butter. But man, no matter how much you try, the taste is often like licking my cat's tongue. I've made a strong batch a few times, the high lasted quite a long time. Sometimes I will forgo the milk products and use fatty oils such as almond or peanut oil, but they're not doing the trick for some reason. I guess there are certain fats that work better. Maybe I'll make a chip dip.


I have never tried tea but i do make hot chocolate with bud and small chocolate bites.

Fill a mug with whole milk (has to have the fat in it)
Dump in sauce pan.
Heat to almost boil (still all the time)
Dump in broken up bud (do not grind)
Heat for 10 minutes to 15 minutes on low
Strain milk to remove bud
Add chocolate syrup and stir

Not super strong but pretty good and quick. I have done it with one quarter size bud and a nickel size bud together for one cup.

Chocolate!!! Depending on the amount of bud you put it can keep you high for a long time. I have had up to 7 hours. You can also just melt the chocolate in the microwave.

Glass bowl
Sauce pan
Ice cube tray or silicone molds.

Step one.
Pre heat oven to 300 or less.
Put bud on cookie sheet.
Bake for 5 min or less to prep bud
Grind bud to powder.
Put water in pan
Bring to boil
Put glass bowl ontop of pan above water (double boil style)
Put in chocolate (i like dark hersheys)
Dump in powder bud.
Pore into molds.
Put in freezer
Take out of mold and put into baggie in freezer

Eat .... wait 1 hour for affect to start.
Such a nice post. Here something more. Green Tea Ice Cream: A home-made ice cream that doesn't require an ice cream maker. The light taste of green tea offsets the richness of the eggs and heavy cream. You could try this recipe with black tea for a bolder taste.


Can i do this with hash? or do you guys know of any good hash tea recipes? anything drinkable. I know cooking works almost hte same as weed, for firecrackers and space cake for example, but otherwise I'm not sure if it would go as well with the tea.


Well-Known Member
take 3/4 cup whole milk... mix it with 3/4 cup water in a sauce pan.... bring to a LOW rolling bubble over med heat

take 1 gram of dry killer buds...... break the buds up and add it to the milk/water on the stove.....simmer for 30- min over the med heat

Now get a pulp strainer used for oj pulp...pour your boiled mix through the strainer.... into a coffee mug

Add a tea bag and some honey or sugar.....drink it down as fast as possible.....1 hr later you will be on a 8 hr body high