Anyone with a 4x4 tent using 4 foot T5s?


Well-Known Member
i was wondering if you could put like a 4 foot 6 or 8 lamp fixture in a 4 foot tent. the fixture is actually 2 inches longer than the tent but i was thinking since the sides can be pushed out some it would be ok to do. anyone have experience with this or know if it will work?


Well-Known Member
Should work bro.
Just need to remember, The higher you put the light, the higher risk you are taking popping a stitch on the tent.
So keep an eye out for your stitching around zippers and the top corners.

But other than that. you should be fine bro.
Good luck..


Well-Known Member
I believe a 8 lamp fixture in a tent is a wonderful idea, if it fits. You will never have the light all the way up, and the sides might bow enough to squeeze it in. You can bring the light down to the canopy with full spread, and have an equivalent amount heat from a 400, and greater lumens at each plant. You will still need good ventilation, and need to take into account the weight of the fixture though, because they aren't light. I am in a basement and hang mine from joists. They do make a 50"x50"x78" by Ledwholesellers, on sale for $119 on Amazon That would be a killer combination, just swap from 6500k to 2700 for bloom, put your 8 plants in there and away you go. LOTS of bud. Peace


Well-Known Member
would just be for vegging so i wouldnt have to raise the light alot. im thinkin of moving the 600watt out of the tent into the flower room and using the flouros for veggin clones.