Anything work to get rid of fungus nats!


Active Member
Dam you dont mess around on the light huh. Do it to it right. U do make it sound fun, maybee ill at least set up a little side project and give it a shot. +reps for the help bro
no problem. im going to go put that cup of vinagar in my room right now.. thanks for that trick of the trade


Well-Known Member
shoooot, i'll try some vinegar myself, maybe it will keep them to zero.

i don't think i'd try this in flowering, but a 'malathion soil drench' is what i have heard to be most effective. about 1/2 teaspoon of Malathion per gallon of water kills both adults and larvae.

pyrethrums break down in a matter of days, i have no idea what the break down time on malathion might be, so i don't think i'd want to use it past the vegatative phase.