Archived RIU


any of you guys ever check this out?

if you scroll down way down to the very bottom of the page there are a few links and this is one of them

older stuff on RIU
the mods (like gk, riu, skh and the like) were pumpin out some great info...

maybe i'm just real stoned... but it was like finding a hidden treasure.


thats all
take care folks

i'm off to florida for a week so i don't know if i'll get a chance to update anything or poke my head in, but i'll be back soon



Well-Known Member
you had to be there to enjoy it. it take lots of time and effort to add good media. now we fish through all these threads looking for the real info. its hard to find stuff with all the media on this site.

but hell it was like 400 members and a dream, we used to talk about getting 150 thousand members well rest assured we will make that mark. We have had many many growing pains but we have assembled a good site with little problems. the REAL GEM is rollitup for working his ass off to keep things working smooth.

if every member could take the time to make one great thread this site would triple im members. in time i think we have the ability to surpass OG

keep it up!