As legalization looms, experts say it's time to talk to your kids honestly about pot


Well-Known Member
Pot is not a benign substance," she said.

Leadbeater said that much of the reason myths about pot persist is because of a lack of funding into studies.

"There's a lot of mystery and part of the mystery has been because it's illegal and the research has not been done," she said.

In order to better inform adults and kids alike, she said, that research is an important first step.

So since there is no research, how can anyone conclude cannabis is good or bad?...hahahaha.....parents should be talking to their kids about all the things...


Well-Known Member
Just because Health Canada hasn't done the studies doesn't mean they haven't been done. There are many studies from many sources that answer most of the 'mystery' of cannabis. Start with Israel. I wonder how many studies would be needed if private enterprise was paying for it rather than government scientists forcing taxpayers to pay for a make-work project.


Well-Known Member
Mine help me water the garden. They are educated on the medicinal properties of the plant not the bs propoganda the government wants them to believe. I teach them about the harms of alcohol. I have lost a grampa to the effects of alcoholism he got so messed from the Boose he shot himself.... so please let's try and teach our children about the harms of a legal more harmful drugs such as alcohol