attitude billing


Active Member
hi, on my credit card it showed up
I thought it would say t shirts or someting like that.

I hope the feds are looking for that


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it. Their are millions of overseas purchases made by CC daily, the feds don't sit there and scan all the purchases. They have better things to do than try to scrape up a lead off of a cc statement. Local cops, maybe not, but the Feds do for sure.

Next time you should order through a Visa gift card. They sell them all over, like at walgreens or some walmarts. For $100 gift card it costs $106, but they are untraceable. All you have to do is register a fake name and adress to it by calling the number on the back. Make sure you remember the fake info u give them cuz u will have to verify that info as the billing name and adress when u make a purchase.


Well-Known Member
When I charged from The Attitude it said Attitude T-Shirts. I wouldnt worry though.
The gift Visa's work but you have to give them your social security number etc to activate it.
With some of them you have to wait two days before it works.
That doesnt seem to hide anything in fact it might be easier to trace back to you.
If they traced your own credit card you could at least say that you didnt make the order that someone must of stolen your credit card numbers.
I use my own card or money order.
From now on Im going to use a credit card only as long as that keeps working.
Just make sure you have no equiptment setup or anything growning at the address where the seeds are delivered.
Everything should be ok.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
You REALLY should go to and you might have another worry hehe

Yeah but the feds do not sit there waiting for this, I am sure red flags go up if on the bill it says stuff like Marijuana,seeds,Cocaine or something along the lines like that.


Well-Known Member
Just as long your orders are not 1,000's of dollars on a monthly basis you should be fine. And lets say they do get consifcated you just get a letter from homeland security. I have yet to hear of your door being busted down because you ordered seeds and got them confiscated.


Well-Known Member
I think that they may be going through some upgrade changes, no surprise they have upgraded almost every other week so far. It may be that they are trying to change things up just to keep streaming info fresh, who knows, I wouldn't worry about tho :blsmoke: