August Underground


Well-Known Member
hey anyone see that new underground fake snuff film called August Underground?
I just downloaded it and it looks really good, and goory... anyone got anything to say about anything? or anything?


Well-Known Member
Ah it was the third one of the trilogy that I am watching.
I recomend it to all who like really disturbing movies... and lots of guts... that look like they actualy did come from somthing that was once alive... gross...
but yea its pretty good... pretty fucking sick


Well-Known Member
wtf is with all the sick perverted sh*t going up on the boards lately? it's there somewhere else you people could take this crap? this is a growing site not a gore fest. thanks.


Well-Known Member
HEY HEY!!! HEY I was toking... and saying ohh this movie is nuts I wonder who has seen it?
I saw that other video you were talking about and I agree that was compltly uncalled for. but I'm just talking, and toking :( :( :(


Well-Known Member
i haven't clicked on any of the links lately. it just seems people are trying to see how far they can push it. i don't get it. what happened to all the kitty pics?


Well-Known Member
I saw all the kitty pics already :) and decided to go beyond... no actualy I had to do some reserch on snuff films for a psycology class, and I found people talking about this film, as being a prety acurate depiction of what a snuff film would be like and it shows you thinkings of a psycotic mofo... kindof...
I was suprised to find that no actual snuff film has ever been found... suposedly its a myth... but I dont know :/

I saw a pretty sick thread awhile back... it was pretty sick...
I think maybe because its winter for most rollitupians... and were getting board with just indoor growing??? I dont know... maybe we just have some sick people here?


Well-Known Member
I saw all the kitty pics already :) and decided to go beyond... no actualy I had to do some reserch on snuff films for a psycology class, and I found people talking about this film, as being a prety acurate depiction of what a snuff film would be like and it shows you thinkings of a psycotic mofo... kindof...
I was suprised to find that no actual snuff film has ever been found... suposedly its a myth... but I dont know :/

I saw a pretty sick thread awhile back... it was pretty sick...
I think maybe because its winter for most rollitupians... and were getting board with just indoor growing??? I dont know... maybe we just have some sick people here?

it's kinda weird. i read a lot of books. all fiction of course. i can read about it all day in book form but once i hear about it in real life it really gets my guts.:evil:


Well-Known Member
I dont know when I was younger I was afraid of like... barny... no I wasnt but I was scared of all kinds of movies... and than one day I dont know it just stoped... and I can watch pretty much anything now... probably because the media has warped my fragile little mind :)
as for scary books, I like them. I really liked all the hannibal books, hes a crazy guy...
any book that really scared the shit out of you?


Well-Known Member
I dont know when I was younger I was afraid of like... barny... no I wasnt but I was scared of all kinds of movies... and than one day I dont know it just stoped... and I can watch pretty much anything now... probably because the media has warped my fragile little mind :)
as for scary books, I like them. I really liked all the hannibal books, hes a crazy guy...
any book that really scared the shit out of you?
i just finished a book that i now can't find. i don't remember who wrote it or what it was called. it was about an FBI agent who was trying to find an online killer. he would kidnap a girl then charge people 10's of thousands of dollars to watch him torture her for 3 days. then for 100 grand you get to watch him kill her at the end. freaked me out.:evil:

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Haha, my cat scared me pretty good the other night while I was out having a smoke. I thought a chupacabra was gonna eat my foot for a second.

When I was younger I could watch whatever and it wouldn't bother me, but now if I watch a scary flick or read a good story - I end up thinking about it for days and feeling all sketchy all the time. I just stick to comedy now :roll:


Well-Known Member
Haha, my cat scared me pretty good the other night while I was out having a smoke. I thought a chupacabra was gonna eat my foot for a second.

When I was younger I could watch whatever and it wouldn't bother me, but now if I watch a scary flick or read a good story - I end up thinking about it for days and feeling all sketchy all the time. I just stick to comedy now :roll:

i cringed thru all of SAW1, made it 10 mins into SAW2 not even considering SAW3.:evil:


Well-Known Member
aw man the saw movies were great!!! they make every other horror movie look like poopie! I'm not a big fan of gory... but if it fits I guess it fits?
if you can just watch saw for the story its a great movie... it gets pretty damn confusing, but its just soo... soo. I dont know. good story... it should have been a book it would have been better...
sounds like a crazy book there FDD let me know what its called if you ever find it
silly cat... that helmet will never last in space!
comedies are my favorite kinds of movies. but... I dont know I've become decensitised to comedies to in a way... I dont know I'm screwy... few movies really make me laugh... so I've been watchin scary movies... but when I go to the suburbs I'm scared as shit!!! its too quiet and not enough people... and too many trees! and unused space AHH!!!