Autos in Super Soil?


Active Member
Im gonna try growing autos in Super Soil.I was wondering if anyone else has tried this.
My base soil is:
Coco 40%
John Innes potting compost No1 40%
Vermiculite/perlite 20%
My ammendments are:
Fish,blood,bone meal 200g. 1 cup of volcanic rock dust(didnt weigh this)
kelp meal 200g
EWC 3kg
Bat guano,high P 200g
Dolomite of Lime 150g
Alfalfa meal 100g
1 tbsp Epsom salts
1 tbsp powdered eggshells
Ive added Bti(gnat off)as im plagued with fungus gnats atm.
Im gonna add Mycos to bottom of transplant hole.
These additions are per cubic foot of base soil.By the time i am ready to use it,my SS will have
cooked for about 50 days,so hopefully everything will be processed by then.
My main concern is my SS being too strong for autos,so was gonna cut it 50/50 and see how it goes.
Coz i can always top dress with some more SS if any defs appear.
I would appreciate any advice on this method of growing.Cheers.


I would have the same concern you do. I think cutting the soil is a good idea, cause a seedling may be severely shocked otherwise. I'm jeaous you got your hands on some super soil though haha.

I would pour into whatever pot you're using, first, the SS. Then pour the soil you're cutting it with on top while you also mix it in with the SS. Reason being is you want the roots of the plant when it's young to be in the diluted soil. Then, once mature and healthy, the roots will eventually get down to the nutrient dense SS mix and really take off. My 2 cents at least.


Well-Known Member
i have 5 Northern lights x big bud autos going in 5 gal containers of super soil.
i didnt personally mix it, my breeder friend from DNA genetics did. however, i know
theres coco, perlite, worm casting, bat gauno, epsom salt, lime, cal/mag bla bla.
i just cut it 50/50 with some sifted nice black soil from my garden and theyre doing pretty good.


Active Member
Thanx 4 the replies ppl,very helpfull.
I will put some pics on if it works out well.