Band Spectrums for Vegging and Flowering Plants. Light diode selection and ratio...


Hey there you guys. I'm putting together a spectral array for a light chip and I'd like some help with figuring out the specific wavelengths and the ratios at which to run them. The light that I'll be using is similar to an LED, where you can target certain wavelengths and have a certain % per chip. This light however uses optical electronics, like a cluster of lasers basically, instead of light emitting diodes. So any LED users that know of spectral rations I'd love if you jump on in, or anyone with some knowledge of spectrum's join and help. What I need is a critique of my proposed plan.

After some research, and although there has been much opposing data and there really is no definitive answer to what the correct spectrum are, I've come across what I believe to be a good full spectral array.

So the chip is 7x7 pixels, 1 W per pixel. I'm going with:

64% RED @ 46% 670nm - 23 pixels
and @ 18% 640nm - 9 pixels

plus 6% FarRed @ 740nm - 3 pixels

8% UVB @ 290nm - 4 pixels

14% BLUE @ 6% 440nm - 3 pixels
and @ 8% 470nm - 8 pixels

8% GREEN @ 530nm - 4 pixels

This will be a flowering light. If this is a viable spectrum and ratio I'd plan on making one for veg, removing the UVB and FarRed and adding the extra 14% to the Blue spectrum. Any help would be really appreciated, happy toking!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
WOW that's some MIT shit right there. And stoners might not have the answers. But I do know you you want to imitate the sun as much as possible. Don't know where to look but I'm sure there is a solair spectrum chart grafting all the color wave lengths of the sun. Try finding one late august or September. Think that would give you the best idea to base this on. Good luck and hope there is someone here that can help. I would like to see this work.
Now a question for you. What do you think the cost difference would be for this? Compared to LED or HID?


The fixture I'm looking at is about $800 and it'd be about 150W. I'd say it's a more expensive investment up front compared to LED or anything else, but with the energy savings and the lifetime of the lights which is a lifetime I believe it'll pay for itself. Here's a link to the site:


Well-Known Member
Now that's something i haven't seen before. Happen to know of any online journals showing these lights in action?


No nothing, there pretty unheard of and the company only just started up. One guy started using them, on grasscity, but flaked out on his grow. I'll be sure to post some updates if I get one and have a successful grow. The basic principal of the light configuration is the same as for LED's, so I need to find good spectrums to use. They will custom make the chips, any amount of wattage, spectrum and percentage. So that's what I'm trying to figure out, what to use, as apposed to his 4:1 mix.



Anyone got an opinion n my spectrum choice? Come on LED users you must have specific spectrums that have worked for you.?.


Those Franken lights look pretty cool. I'd look through he gives a pretty good idea on what works. I think he is on his 12th grow with various ratios. If I was to buy something for just flower I'd probably buy an e.shine and do 7:3 660nm and Cool White basically copying the EVO LED. I'm a big believer in keeping it as simple as possible. You could go crazy finding the "perfect" blend of light.
I also think I would add IR/UV through supplement lighting it will save you some money on leds and allow some versatility. People add 25-50w hologens for IR and some reptile light for UVA/B.