Beneficial bugs and neem oil

Fire One Up

Active Member
How will spraying my plants with neem oil affect beneficial bugs?
I hear it totally screws up a bug, and I was alright with that up until tonight but I found a mantis on my gate coming into my yard and figured screw it, with him and ladybugs I might as well start using predator bugs instead of spraying pesticides.
I've got the mantis in there now and I'll be ordering some ladybugs by the end of the week, but I was wondering if I spray my plants and the bugs are on them when I spray will they get all messed up too?
What should I use instead of neem oil if I don't want to harm the bugs?
Or do I just stop spraying altogether now that I'm using bugs to prevent the problem?
Thanks a ton!


Active Member
Question: I neemed almost 2 weeks ago to get rid of some mites and budworms. I diluted the oil with 2 parts water. Got rid of the mites, but still have budworms. Not wanting to spray anymore, I purchased a bunch of lady bugs. Threw a mosquito net over my plants and let em loose. However the ladybugs are occupying every space they can without even touching my plants. Is the neem oil repelling the ladybugs? I have read that once dry it shouldn't have any affect on them. I have also misted the leaves with just water at least 4 or 5 times since the neem on top of watering them twice. So I wouldnt even think there would be any residue left on the plants.. I really want those damn ladybugs to eat the freakin worms... any help?