Bit of a problem (Brown leaves)


Today marks the 3rd week of my first grow. My plants are growing, but my bottom layer of leaves have died in the past week. The next layer up is starting to turn brown around the edges as well. I figured it was tap water, so I just switched to distilled just last night hoping I will see some improvement in the next couple of days. I have the aerogarden hidden as well where the circulation isn't so good, but I just added a fan two days ago and have been giving it heaps of fresh air which my plants have already perked up in a day.

Should I trim off the dead leaves and hope to save my grow? Or should I leave them there. The distilled water seems to be helping heaps as well in just the last day. Could my stock AG nutes be causing problems too? My pH is fine as well. I've been checking it.

Just not sure if anyone else has had the same problem. Any suggestions would help.