BlackHash's Closet Grow - Bagseed


Active Member
Hello Rollitup,

This is my third grow. My first grow failed, as do many gardeners first grows. The second grow the plant turned out to be a male plant. I feel that I am prepared and am ready to take on this third grow and finally get some finished product out of it!

Here is some basic information about my box that I believe you guys should know. I made this grow box out of an old night stand I had lying around. Gutted it out, and then lined 3 of the walls with cardboard (the cardboard was lined with reflective paper) and then the other walls were also lined with reflective paper.

Box Dimensions
Height: 28 inches
Width: 25.5 inches
Depth: 19 inches

Lights: 4 x 26 watt 6500k CFLs for vegetative, and 4 x 26 watt 2700k CFLs for flowering.
Soil: Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Nutes: Fox Farms Grow Big for vegetative, and Fox Farms Tiger Bloom for flowering.

The temperatures in the box are 80-85 at all times, I plan to completely upgrade my box once I know I can produce fine sensimilla.

I have 2 germinated seeds just planted into the soil. My plan is to grow until they show their sex, then hopefully there will either be 1 male, or 0 males. If there are 0 males, I will select the healthiest female and transplant that into a 3 gallon bucket where it will stay until harvest.

edit: these pictures are from my older grow log, ill have updated pics once the seedlings pop out of the soil.

