Blood, bone and kelp meal tea


Well-Known Member
is it possible to use these og fertilizers to make a tea for fertilizing instead of directly putting it into the ground? if so does anyone know how(ratios as in not to burn the plants)?


Well-Known Member
Don't Know the ratios and not a pro but if it wher me:
Blood Meal: Carful or not at all for tea, only when plant it established (Tea? mabey 1/8 teaspoon per gallon to start?)
Bone: not much good for teas but dosent hurt
Kelp: as much as 1/4 cup per gallon (this might be a bit much but it's alot safer than blood) BUY SOIL FUNGUS AND BACTIERIA: SOIL MYCILIN, THE BEST THING FOR YOUR SOIL AND FERT. TEA


Active Member
I have some blood and bone meal which are both certified organic...from a "non-cow source to ensure highest quality." Heh.

So, in theory, those animals were raised and processed according to organic standards.


Well-Known Member
I want my organic cows all jacked up on mushrooms (organicly grown)
That will raise the phychoactive properties of my plant.


Well-Known Member
if youre growing outdoors, i hope you have a strong fence or a trusty rifle. i used chicken blood in my grow and every coyote in the neighborhood came to dig.


Well-Known Member
i use about a 2 tablespoons or tea spoons not sure with i just eye it now its the bigger of the two and mix tap water with it about half each and it works great for teas same with bone meal they both stink like ass when let sit in a jug be warned