brita water pitchers


Well-Known Member
hey. thoght i would post info on pitcher filtration (such as brita for example). noticed a few people having trouble keeping their ph down. if you have hard water, the carbonates in your water will try to keep ph at higher levels. when you try to bring it down with ph modifiers, many times you will experience "ph rebound" as the carbonates have not been completely broken down and ph will continue to rise over time. filering through these simple devices is simple and relatively inexpensive. these pitchers contain the same resins that an r/o unit does. they will partially deionize your water bringing the ph down to easily manageable levels by removing many of the carbonates and will also purify. makes great water for our plants right out of pitcher, no adjustment should be necessary. hope this helps somebody, peace

Brick Top

New Member
It will still at least partially depend on your water’s pH level is to begin with.

Pure water has a neutral value of 7.0. Lower values indicate that a liquid is acid (an acid), higher values that it is alkaline (an alkali).

BRITA purposely decreases water hardness to improve the taste of drinking water. As a result, the pH value of BRITA filtered water tends to be in the slightly acid range.

The actual pH value of your BRITA water can depend on a number of factors, e.g., the current pH value of your water, the freshness of your filter, etc. However, most websites that have posted values for water purified by BRITA indicated pH values between 5.0 and 7.0.
